Every owner, contract purchaser, lessee, tenant or licensee of a lot or premises on which a pool is situated shall observe the following:
   (A)   Maintain at all times a fence completely surrounding the pool of not less than six feet in height with no gaps or apertures other than doors or gates;
   (B)   All doors or gates shall be equipped with self-closing and self-latching devices, placed at the top of the doors or gates and so made inaccessible to small children. However, the door of a dwelling which comprises part of the enclosure need not be so equipped;
   (C)   No source of water other than that of the town shall be used in private swimming pools;
   (D)   There shall be an air gap of at least six inches between the filling area and the water source at all times;
   (E)   Any and all plumbing and electrical work performed and used in the operation of a swimming pool shall be subject to the inspections of the Electrical and Plumbing Inspectors of the town; and
   (F)   Every private swimming pool located in the town shall be maintained and operated in a clean and sanitary manner.
(Prior Code, § 150.56)  (Ord. 8-1984, passed 10-2-1984)