(A)   The Chief of the Fire Department shall formulate a set of rules and regulations to govern the Department, and shall be responsible to the Council for the personnel, morale and general efficiency of the Department.
   (B)   The Fire Chief shall determine the number and kind of officers of which the Department is to be composed, and shall determine the responsibilities of the officers.
   (C)   The Chief shall at least twice a month conduct or have conducted suitable drills or instructions in the operation and handling of equipment, first aid and rescue work, salvage, a study of buildings in the town, fire prevention, water supplies and all other matters generally considered essential to good firemanship and safety of life and property from fire. All volunteer firefighters shall attend at least 12 drills each year and 12 meetings unless excused by the Chief. Penalty for non- compliance shall be disciplinary action as determined by a hearing with the Board of Officers.
   (D)   The Chief or person designated by the Chief is required to assist the proper authorities in suppressing the crime of arson by investigating or causing to be investigated the cause, origin and circumstances of all fires.
   (E)   The Chief is empowered to enter any and all buildings and premises at any reasonable hour for the purpose of making inspections and to serve written notice on the owner or occupant to abate, within a specified time, any and all fire hazards that may be found. Any person so served with a notice to abate any fire hazard or hazards shall comply therewith and promptly notify the Chief.
   (F)   The Chief shall see that complete records are kept of all fires, inspections, apparatus and minor equipment, personnel and other information about the work of the Department.
   (G)   The Chief shall report monthly to the Council as to the condition of the apparatus and equipment; the number of fires during the month, their location and cause, the date of the fires and loss occasioned thereby; the number and purpose of all other runs made; the number and names of members responding to each fire or other run; and any changes in membership.
   (H)   The Chief shall make a complete annual report to the Council within one month after the close of the fiscal year, the report to include the information specified in division (G) above, together with comparative data for previous years and recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the Department.
   (I)   It shall be the duty of the Fire Department or the Water Department Manager to check all fire hydrants as to their condition, pressure and conformity to the fire safety code and all other National Fire Prevention Association guidelines. The town shall install and maintain all hydrants.
   (J)   The Chief shall prepare a budget for the Department for the next year and submit it to the Fire Commissioner in advance of the budget meeting by the Town Council.
   (K)   The Chief shall enforce Department by-laws which are on file at the fire station.
   (L)   Non-fire emergency activities and powers are as follows.
      (1)   The Chief shall (pursuant to I.C. 36-8-12-12) be the presiding officer if he or she is in his or her jurisdiction, until proper authorities or his or her assistant officers arrive.
      (2)   On emergency operations (such as a disaster or any emergency), the Chief or assistants will cooperate in authority with the Town Marshal and Town Manager, under the direction of the Town Council.
      (3)   The Chief or his or her designated officer shall be responsible for enforcing all state and local laws, subject to the approval of the Town Council.
(Prior Code, § 32.02)