(A)   The rate adjustment is applicable to all metered rates in dollars per kWh. It shall be on the basis of a purchase power cost adjustment tracking factor occasioned solely by changes in the cost of purchased power and energy, in accordance with the order of the state’s Utility Regulatory Commission, approved on 12-13-1989 in Cause No. 36835-S3.
   (B)   The embedded base costs for the calculation of future purchase power cost adjustment tracking factors are as follows:
      (1)   Purchased power-demand: $22.465/kW month; and
      (2)   Purchased power-energy:  $0.033241/ kWh.
(Prior Code, § 50.30)  (Ord. 1957-3, passed 12-3-1957; Ord. 1976-1, passed 3-2-1976; Ord. 1976-3, passed 6-1-1976; Ord. 1981-2, passed 2-3-1981; Ord. 2016-15, passed 1-10-2017)