(a)   A certificate of approval from the City Planning Department must be obtained prior to the issuance of a demolition permit.
   (b)   Permits shall be obtained when any portion of a structure is removed, except for porches whose removal will have no effect on the structural integrity of the main structure. A demolition permit shall become invalid ninety days after its issuance, however, upon presentation of substantial reasons for incompletion, the Chief Building Official may grant an extension for up to an additional thirty days.
   (c)   Permits for the demolition of commercial or residential buildings do not relieve the owner or contractor of the requirement to submit a “Notification of Demolition and Renovation” to the Regional Air Pollution Control Agency (RAPCA).
   (d)   Utility companies, the City and applicable County (Greene or Montgomery) agencies shall be notified for shut-off of services.
   (e)   Barricades shall be erected around the demolition site when required by the City Engineer, Chief Building Official or the Division of Police.
   (f)   A traffic plan shall be submitted prior to demolition for approval by the Engineering, Police and Fire Divisions.
   (g)   All sewer lines shall be capped as specified by the applicable County (Greene or Montgomery) agency and approved by a City inspector before backfill can proceed.
   (h)   All necessary precautions shall be taken to comply with the following:
      (1)   No person may cause or permit the handling, transporting, or storage of any material in a manner which allows or may allow particulate matter to become airborne in such quantities and concentrations that it remains visible in the ambient air beyond the premises where it originates.
      (2)   No person shall cause or permit a building or its appurtenances or a road, or a driveway, or an open area to be constructed, used, repaired or demolished without applying all such reasonable measures as may be required to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne.
      (3)   The City Engineer may require such reasonable measures as may be necessary to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne including but not limited to paving or frequent cleaning of roads, driveways and parking lots; application of dust-free surfaces; application of water; and the planting and maintenance of vegetative ground cover. All site excavations shall comply with the City Engineer's earth disturbance requirements in regards to the protection of storm water drains.
      (4)   When dust, fumes, gases, mist, odorous matter, vapors or any combination thereof escape from a building or equipment in such manner and amount as to cause a nuisance or to violate any provision of this section, the Chief Building Official may order that the building or equipment be tightly closed and ventilated in such a way that all air and gases and air or gas borne material leaving the building or equipment are treated by removal or destruction of air contaminants before discharge to the open air.
   (i)   Approval shall be obtained from the Police and Fire Divisions prior to the use of explosives.
   (j)   All buildings, structures and parts thereof, including foundation walls, columns, piers, partitions and retaining walls shall be removed to a level at least twenty-four inches below finish grade unless otherwise approved by the Chief Building Official.
   (k)   Garage foundations and concrete slabs found in good condition may remain if approved by the Chief Building Official provided all anchor bolts and protrusions above grade level are removed.
   (l)   Basement floors and in ground concrete slabs shall be broken-up.
   (m)   Inspection of the excavation shall be made by a City inspector prior to backfill.
   (n)   All demolition debris shall be quickly removed from the site. All lumber or materials kept for re-use shall be neatly stacked twelve inches aboveground.
   (o)   On site burning of materials shall not be permitted.
   (p)   All excavations and depressions shall be filled with inorganic material not exceeding sixteen inches by sixteen inches by sixteen inches in size. Backfill material and method of placement shall be approved and inspected by the City Engineer and Chief Building Official.
   (q)   The Chief Building Official and City Engineer shall approve the final grading plan. Finished grade shall consist of a four-inch surface layer of soil, seeded and mulched to reduce the germination and propagation of weeds or noxious vegetation, and to prevent fugitive dust conditions and soil erosion, unless otherwise approved by the Chief Building Official.
   (r)   All applicable State and City laws and ordinances shall be complied with in order to protect property and public health and safety.
(Ord. 13-10. Passed 11-15-10.)