(A)   All previously established charges for sewer services and the availability thereof are hereby canceled, provided that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the collection by any legal means of direct charge and fees arising out of prior ordinances or regulations repealed herein.
   (B)   Effective upon the date of this adoption, July 1, 2003, the owner, lessee, or occupant of each premises connected with the city sewer system shall pay the following rates and charges for each 3-month [monthly] period of use thereof: A minimum amount as set forth in the city fee schedule per unit plus a usage fee per 1,000 gallons of water used as set forth in the city fee schedule.
      (1)   Single-family residence. For single-family residences, the charge shall be a minimum amount as set forth in the city fee schedule per quarter plus an amount as set forth in the city fee schedule per 1,000 gallons of water used.
      (2)   Multiple units. Each unit of a multiple business or dwelling using 1 sewer connection shall pay the minimum for each unit as a separate user; in addition, an amount as set forth in the city fee schedule per 1,000 gallons of water used, per quarter [or per month]
      (3)   Cabins, motels, and mobile homes. Each rental cabin, motel unit, or mobile home shall pay the minimum charge plus an amount as set forth in the city fee schedule per 1,000 gallons of water used, whether occupied or not.
      (4)   Service outside the city. Single-family residences and mobile homes located outside the city limits shall pay a minimum charge of 3 times the minimum charged within the city per quarter, whether occupied or not, plus an amount as set forth in the city fee schedule per 1,000 gallons of water used.
      (5)   Effluent of unusual strength or quantity. Where it appears that sewage of unusual strength or quantity is being disposed of from any premises, the Council may cause an investigation to be made upon the facts may determine equitable and reasonable sewer charges against the owner, occupant, or lessee of the premises served.
      (6)   Nuisances. In the event the City Council determines that a condition jeopardizing the health, safety, or environment of the community exists as a result of the operation, maintenance, or lack of maintenance of a private facility connected to the municipal sewage system, the Council may after appropriate notice to the owner or occupant thereof take whatever steps are necessary to eliminate the nuisance or health hazard, and the Council may bill the costs of the repair as a sewer use charge on the property affected.
      (7)   Unmetered water users. Unmetered water users with sewer connection will have their water estimated to determine sewer charges. All private well owners must have an accurately functioning well meter installed.
(Ord. 2011-06-07D, passed 6-7-2011)