In addition to other uses specifically identified elsewhere in this title, the following are permitted accessory uses in the RR Rural Residential District.
   (A)   Accessory and secondary use antennas as regulated by Chapter 214 (Towers, Antennas, and Telecommunication Facilities) of this title.
   (B)   Accessory uses, buildings, and structures customarily incidental and directly related to the uses allowed as permitted, conditional, interim, and administrative permit in this chapter, subject to applicable regulation of this title.
   (C)   Administrative offices, meeting rooms, classroom, and food preparation and service areas in private and public recreational facilities, and the uses of which are incidental and directly related to the primary use.
   (D)   Boarding or renting of rooms to not more than 2 individuals per dwelling unit.
   (E)   Daycare facilities serving 14 or fewer persons in a single-family detached dwelling.
   (F)   Fences as regulated by § 213.02 (Fences and Retaining Walls) of this title.
   (G)   Ground source heat pump systems as regulated by § 215.04 (Ground Source Heat Pump Systems) of this title.
   (H)   Keeping of animals subject to § 205.19 (Keeping of Animals) of this title.
   (I)   Private garages and off-street parking and off-street loading as regulated by Chapter 210 (Off-street Parking) and Chapter 211 (Off-street Loading) both of this title.
   (J)   Private playground and recreational facilities, only accessory to an existing principal permitted use on the same lot and which are operated for the enjoyment and convenience of the residents of the principal use and their occasional guests, except as otherwise permitted.
   (K)   Recreational vehicles and equipment parking and storage as regulated by § 205.13 (Outdoor Storage and Refuse) of this title.
   (L)   Roadside stand for sale of in season agricultural products planted and completely grown on the premises.
   (M)   Signs as regulated by Chapter 207 (Signs) of this title.
   (N)   Solar energy systems as regulated by § 215.03 (Solar Energy Systems) of this title.
   (O)   Yard/garage sales, provided each does not exceed 4 days in duration, and there are no more than 3 sales per year conducted on the premises.
(Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)