(a)   No owner or operator of any vehicle shall park such vehicle, or permit such vehicle to remain parked, on any part of the public streets and ways indicated in subsection (b) hereof at any time within twenty-four hours after a snow fall of four inches or more has occurred. Such parking shall be permitted, if otherwise lawful, after snow accumulation upon such street has been removed or such street has been otherwise cleared of snow by the Village.
   (b)   Streets to be designated as snow removal streets in the Village are hereby designated as follows:
      (1)   Preston Street,
      (2)   Hartford Street,
      (3)   Clayton Street, and
      (4)   Main Street between Clayton Street and Ewing Street.
   (c)   The Mayor shall determine the time when four or more inches of snow have fallen and shall cause the streets and ways enumerated in subsection (b) hereof to be properly posted.
(Ord. 1985-19. Passed 11-4-85.)