Employees of the Village are to receive reimbursement for expenses incurred while traveling on official Village business. Employees are eligible for expense reimbursement only when travel has been authorized in writing by the Village Administrator or designee. Expenses shall be reimbursed in the following manner:
   (a)   Private Vehicle Reimbursements.  
      (1)   Employees shall be reimbursed for actual miles, while on official Village business, at the rate established by the Federal IRS standards, when using a private personal vehicle. Such payment is considered to be total reimbursement for all vehicle-related expenses ( e.g., gas, oil, depreciation, etc.). Mileage reimbursement is payable to only one employee if two or more employees are traveling on the same trip, in the same automobile.
      (2)   Charges incurred for parking at the destination, and any highway tolls are reimbursable at the actual amount. Receipts for parking costs and highway tolls are required.
      (3)   No expense reimbursements are paid for travel between home and office.
   (b)   Meals.
      (1)   Expenses incurred for meals while on official Village business requiring non-local travel (a one-way destination of over fifty (50) miles) may be reimbursed according to the Federal standard meal allowance with the approval of the Village Administrator or designee.
      (2)   Within the definition of local travel, meal reimbursement will be limited to a proportionate share of the Federal per diem standard meal allowance if such cost is incurred while attending job related training programs, courses, workshops, or seminars.
   (c)   Non-local travel requiring Village Administrator approval is further defined as all travel by Village employees with a one-way destination of over fifty (50) miles.
   (d)   Personal use of Village owned vehicles is prohibited. Those vehicles assigned to employees for commuting purposes shall only be used for commuting purposes. The Village will comply with all IRS regulations concerning employer provided vehicles.
   (e)   Any reimbursement for lodging or other approved travel expenses shall be subject to review and approval by the Village Administrator and Fiscal Officer subject to the employee providing detailed documentation of said expenses.
      (Ord. 2021-27. Passed 12-6-21.)