(a)    When sufficient personal reasons require (including but not limited to having exhausted sick leave, personal days, vacation and/or family medical leave) an employee, at the Village Administrator and Mayor's discretion, may be granted an extended leave of absence without pay. A leave of absence will be granted for an initial period of up to thirty (30) days, and employees may request extensions up to thirty (30) days which may be granted at the Village's discretion. No leave or cumulative leaves, may exceed six (6) months.
   (b)    Personal leave will be without pay except that employees may be required to use any accrued paid vacation days, compensatory time, sick leave and other accrued benefits during leave. While on leave, employees will not accrue paid leave days of any kind.
   (c)    The Village may continue to make its regular payment to continue the employee's benefits under its group health plan through the end of the month in which the employee requests leave. Thereafter, employees on leave may continue their benefits under the Village's group health insurance plan provided the employee pays the entire monthly premiums due during the leave and provided said benefit continuation is permitted by the Village's benefit provider. Employees who wish to continue their insurance coverage should so advise the Fiscal Officer before beginning their leave.
   (d)    The Village does not guarantee that the employee's job will be available when the employee returns from a personal leave. However, upon return from leave, the Village will make an effort to place an employee in his/her previous position or a comparable position for which the employee is qualified to perform the essential function of the job, with or without reasonable accommodation. If no such position is available, the employee can reapply at a later date as positions become available for which he/she is qualified to perform the essential function of the job with or without reasonable accommodations.
(Ord. 2021-27. Passed 12-6-21.)