State law provides that every Village employee is eligible for Worker's Compensation for injuries arising out of or in the course of his or her employment. Requirements for administering Worker's Compensation are as follows:
   (a)    Should an employee be injured during the course of employment with the Village, his or her supervisor shall notify the Village Administrator or designee and shall complete an injury form. This report shall be completed, regardless of the apparent seriousness of the injury, and regardless whether medical attention is required. Such report shall be forwarded to the Village Administrator or designee immediately or as soon as practicable after the accident.
   (b)    Should an employee's injury require medical attention, the supervisor shall provide the injured employee with all necessary forms, which shall be completed, by the employee and the attending physician. All forms should be forwarded to the Village Administrator or designee at the earliest possible date. The Village reserves the right to provide a physician for all work-related injuries.
   (c)    In the event of serious injury, the injured employee's supervisor shall notify the Village Administrator immediately so that, if necessary, an investigation may be initiated.
   (d)   Worker's Compensation claim forms shall be completed by the department for the purpose of initiating compensation claims for injured employees. If possible, the injured employee shall go to the Personnel Officer or Village Administrator for assistance in completing the form.
   (e)    The Village Administrator or designee must be advised and continually updated if an employee continues to be absent due to a work-related injury. Employees are responsible for providing to the Village Administrator their expected date of return (if known).
   (f)    Any documents received from the injured employee, his or her physician, hospital, or the State, regarding Worker's Compensation claim must be immediately forwarded to the Village Administrator or designee.
   (g)    Employees who are injured in the line of duty and must leave work before completing their work period shall be paid at their regular compensatory rate, for the balance of time left in their scheduled workday.
      (Ord. 2021-27. Passed 12-6-21.)