145.10 SICK LEAVE.
   (a)    All full-time employees and officials shall be given credit for five days of sick leave when hired by the Village on a permanent basis. Thereafter, employees will accrue sick leave at a rate of one and one-fourth (1-1/4) days for each month worked.
   (b)    Sick leave may be accumulated to a maximum of ninety (90) days.
   (c)    When used, sick leave shall be deducted from the cumulative total on an hour for hour basis.
   (d)   Employees may use leave for absence due to personal illness, pregnancy, injury, exposure of contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees, and to illness or injury of the employee's spouse, child, mother, father, or other relative residing in the employee's household.
   (e)   Employees may be required to furnish proof of illness by furnishing a doctor's statement if the duration of the illness exceeds three working days.
   (f)    Excessive use or misuse of sick leave may be cause for disciplinary action or dismissal.
   (g)    In cases of extreme personal emergency, the Mayor may permit employees to voluntarily transfer vacation, personal leave or sick days, to another employee. For each transfer of leave occurrence, the first day donated by the employee must be a vacation day, the second day donated must be either a vacation or personal day, and the third day donated and any subsequently donated may be either vacation, personal or sick leave. Transferred leave must be used in full day increments and the maximum amount any one employee can transfer to another employee is ten (10) days.
   (h)    Upon retirement, employees with ten years or more of service may convert unused accrued sick leave to a lump sum monetary payment of up to a maximum of thirty (30) days as severance pay on the following conditions:
      (1)   Payment will be at the hourly rate in effect at the time of retirement.
      (2)    Employee gives two (2) weeks written notice of intent to retire.
      (3)    Only sick leave accrued while employed by the Village shall be used in determining the amount of accrued sick leave eligible for conversion.
   (i)    The Village will accept the transfer of sick leave where said sick leave was accumulated by an employee with another public employer up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours (i.e. ten (10) days).
(Ord. 2021-27. Passed 12-6-21.)