(a)   The owner of every lot or parcel of land within the corporate limits upon which a tree, plant or shrubbery stands, with any part thereof upon or overhanging a public street or sidewalk, shall conform to the regulations herein provided; otherwise, and in addition to the penalty provided in subsection (b) hereof, the Municipality shall cause such trees to be trimmed or cut down and removed in accordance with these regulations and assess the cost thereof against the owner of such lot or parcel of land. The owner shall:
      (1)   Trim or cause to be trimmed such tree, plant or shrubbery so that a clear height of eight feet between the lowest branches of the same and the street or sidewalk is maintained;
      (2)   Trim or remove, as the case may require, every dead, decayed or broken tree, plant or shrubbery, or part thereof, so that the same does not fall to the street or sidewalk;
      (3)   Cut down and remove any tree, plant or shrubbery, or any part thereof, as may be necessary to provide a clear and unobstructed view of traffic from all directions at any street intersection, or abate any nuisance necessary to protect life, limb or property of persons, drivers of any vehicles or pedestrians using the street or sidewalk.
         (Ord. 324. Passed 10-5-56.)
   (b)   Whoever violates or fails to comply with this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.