(a) There is hereby created a Law Enforcement Fund, pursuant to Ohio R.C. 2933.43(D)(4) into which shall be deposited the proceeds from the sale of contraband and/or money seized as contraband.
(b) Monies deposited in the Law Enforcement Fund shall be disbursed and used for any of the following purposes, and no other purposes:
(1) To pay the costs of protracted or complex investigations or prosecutions.
(2) To provide reasonable technical training or expertise.
(3) To provide matching funds to obtain Federal grants to aid law enforcement activities.
(4) To provide funds for such other law enforcement purposes that Council determines to be appropriate.
(c) Monies deposited in or credited to the Law Enforcement Fund shall not be used to meet the operating costs of the Village that are unrelated to law enforcement.
(Ord. 88-5. Passed 5-9-88.)