(a)   This design manual is based on the policy that land uses and developments which increase the runoff rate or volume shall be required to control the discharge rate of runoff prior to its release to off-site land. The purposes of this policy are:
      (1)   Permit development without increasing the flooding of other lands.
      (2)   Reduce damage to receiving streams and impairment of their capacity that may be caused by increases in the quantity and rate of water discharged.
      (3)   Establish a basis for design of a storm drainage system on lands below undeveloped areas which will preserve the rights of property owners and assure the long-term adequacy of storm drainage systems.
   (b)   This runoff control policy applies to all land developments not specifically exempted below.
   Exemptions are appropriate for certain land use activities which clearly do not generate significant increases in storm water runoff. The following land uses and developments are within this exemption category:
   •    Land preparation for agricultural crops, orchards, woodlots, sod farms, and nursery operations.
   •    Land grading or leveling for erosion control under direction of the local soil conservation district.
      (Ord. 2021-08. Passed 12-13-21.)