(a)   All mobile food vendors must submit a permit application to the Village Administrator's office no less than ten (10) business days prior to event.
   (b)   The fee for said application is fifteen dollars ($15.00) plus ten dollars ($10.00) per day that the mobile food unit is on site. Fee payment must accompany application submittal.
   (c)   Per OFC 320, all mobile food units are subject to inspection prior to operation. Said inspection will be part of the permitting process. Failure to pass inspection is cause to deny permit.
   (d)   Name and contact information for business must be displayed on the body of the unit, and clearly legible at a distance of twenty-five (25) feet.
   (e)   Business license and approved permit must be displayed on unit at all times while unit is on site. (Ord. 2022-14. Passed 4-25-22.)