(A) Capital improvement plan. This subchapter is adopted to assist in the implementation of the city’s capital improvement plan for system projects, as set forth in the study from McClelland Consulting Engineers, which the plan was reviewed, and approved, by the City Water and Sewer Committees and City Council, and used in the independent fee calculation study. To that end, the intent of this subchapter is to ensure that new development bears a proportionate share of the costs of improvements to capital water facilities; to ensure that such proportionate share does not exceed the costs of improvements for capital water facilities required to accommodate new development; and to ensure that funds collected from new development are actually used for improvements for capital water facilities that benefit such new development.
(B) Impact fee purpose. It is further the intent of this subchapter that new development pays for its fair share of the costs of local improvements for capital water facilities required to accommodate new development though imposition of impact fees that will be used to finance, defray, or reimburse all, or a portion, of the costs incurred by the city to construct improvements to the city’s capital water facilities that serve, or benefit, such new development. It is not the intent of this subchapter to collect any money from any new development in excess of the actual amount necessary to offset new demands for capital water facilities.
(C) Funds restricted. It is not the intent of this subchapter that any monies collected from any local impact fee deposited in the Water Impact Fee Trust Fund ever be commingled with monies from any other city trust funds or account, or ever be used for a type of facility, or equipment, different from that for which the fees are paid, or are ever used to replace, or rehabilitate, existing improvements.
(Ord. 2019-13, passed 7-22-2019)