§ 130.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   A parent, or minor, found to be in violation of this chapter shall be subject to the following penalties:
      (1)   Except as otherwise provided, a person convicted of a violation of this chapter shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500, or double such sum for each repetition thereof;
      (2)   At the discretion of the law enforcement officer, any minor receiving a citation for violation of the minor curfew chapter may be released immediately to return home, may be escorted to his or her home, or may be taken into custody, and delivered to an appropriate juvenile authority to be held until a parent can be located to take custody of the minor; and/or
      (3)   Nothing in this section shall prevent a law enforcement officer from taking any, and all, appropriate actions for a minor’s violation of any other local, or state, law.
   (B)   The penalties contained herein are in accordance with A.C. § 14-55-502(a) and (b).
(Prior Code, § 7.08.04) (Ord. 2003-13, passed - -)