§ 50.031 TRUNK LINES.
   (A)   Trunk line extensions. When a sewer trunk line or collection line is not available to a property owner wishing to connect to the public wastewater system, the property owner may petition the town to make the necessary sewer line extensions and improvements needed to allow connection to the public wastewater system. These improvements shall be at the property owner's expense. The property owner shall provide plans and specifications for town approval for any extension or improvement to the public wastewater system. In addition, the property owner shall supply to the town a complete set of plans and specifications reflecting the “as built” conditions of any extension or improvement to the public wastewater system. The property owner may request from the town and the town may provide plans and specifications for any extension or improvement to the public wastewater system, but, under any circumstance, the property owner shall still be liable for any fees set by the town. If the town agrees to provide plans and specifications for any proposed wastewater extension or improvement, the property owner shall be liable for all costs associated with the providing of such plans and specifications. The associated costs shall include, but not be limited to, engineering design and technical writings, legal, administrative, and construction-related costs, and advertising. If any property owner provides the town with plans and specifications for any wastewater extension and improvement, the property owner shall still be liable for any fees set by the town, and, in addition, the property owner shall also be liable for any cost incurred by the town for review and approval of any plans and specifications for any wastewater extension and improvement submitted to the town. The property owner shall also provide, at no charge to the town, the necessary easements required by the town for any wastewater extension or improvement.
   (B)   Connection by use of a common sewer pipe. Each user of the town's wastewater system shall be liable for any and all sewer fees established by proper and legal action of the town, either by action of the Town Council or through official town administrative policies or procedures, whether or not each individual user is connected directly to the town's wastewater system or the connection is made through a common sewer pipe which may serve more than one individual user. If any connection to the town's wastewater system is made by the use of any type or form of a common sewer pipe connection, plan, or scheme, the entire common sewer pipe connection, plan, or scheme shall be subject to the requirements of this chapter.
(`87 Code, Art. 17-3) (Ord. 94-06, passed 3-7-94)