The following procedures relating to sample ballots and publicity pamphlets are hereby adopted for conducting elections at which an initiative or referendum is to be voted upon:
   (A)   A publicity pamphlet, containing the entire text of the official ballot, shall be mailed by the Town Clerk to each household within the town in which a registered voter resides not less than ten days prior to the election to which the sample ballot pertains.
   (B)   The pamphlet shall contain the proposition as it will appear on the ballot together with a summary of each proposition. Each summary shall be followed by any arguments supporting the proposition followed by any arguments opposing the proposition. Arguments submitted by the person filing the initiative or referendum shall appear first. The remaining arguments shall be placed in the order in which they were filed.
   (C)   Arguments supporting and opposing propositions appearing on the ballot shall be filed with the office of the Town Clerk by 5:00 p.m. not less than 90 days prior to the election at which the propositions are to be voted upon. If time does not permit compliance with the 90-day deadline, the Town Clerk may establish a separate deadline for filing referendum ballot arguments. Arguments supporting or opposing propositions appearing on the ballot shall meet the following requirements:
      (1)   Arguments must relate to the propositions proposed by initiative or referred by referendum which will appear on the ballot.
      (2)   Arguments must identify the proposition to which they refer and indicate whether the argument is in support of or in opposition to the proposition.
      (3)   Arguments may not exceed 300 words in length.
      (4)   Arguments must contain the original signature of all persons sponsoring it. Arguments submitted by organizations shall be signed by two executive officers of the organization, or if the argument is sponsored by a political committee, it must be signed by the committee's chair or treasurer. All persons signing documents shall indicate their residence or post office address and a telephone number, which information shall not appear in the publicity pamphlet.
      (5)   No person or organization shall submit more than one argument for each proposition to be voted upon.
      (6)   Each argument shall be accompanied by a deposit to offset proportional costs of printing. The amount of the deposit shall be established by resolution of the Town Council. This requirement shall not be waived on any account.
(`87 Code, § 2-8-4) (Am. Ord. 90-32, passed 12-3-90; Am. Ord. 92-15, passed 11-2-92; Am. Ord. O2018-05, passed 10-15-18)