(A)   Generally. The Pro Tem Magistrate is hereby created, without limitation as to the number of Pro Tem Magistrates that may be appointed. The Pro Tem Magistrates shall be appointed by the Town Council for a term of two years each. The Pro Tem Magistrates shall serve for such salary or other compensation as the Town Council may determine. Upon appointment by the Town Council the Pro Tem Magistrates shall exercise all powers and duties of magistrates when the Magistrate assigns (the “sitting assignment”) the Pro Tem Magistrates to preside in the Town Magistrate's Court. The Magistrate shall have sole discretion over making any sitting assignment. The Pro Tem Magistrates may perform such other duties as authorized by the Magistrate.
   (B)   Appointment.
      (1)   Upon request of the Town Magistrate, the town may advertise for Pro Tem Magistrates. The Town Magistrate shall interview qualified candidates for the office of Pro Tem Magistrate and recommend candidates for appointment by the Town Council. Thereafter the Town Magistrate shall submit the names of at least three qualified candidates to the Town Council, provided that the Magistrate shall submit all of the interviewees' names to the Town Council if less than three candidates have applied for the Pro Tem Magistrate position.
      (2)   The Town Council may appoint candidates from the list submitted by the Magistrate. Upon appointment by the Town Council the Town Manager, or the Town Manager's designee, and the Town Attorney shall negotiate a contract with each appointee. The appointment shall be complete upon approval of the contract by the Town Council and Town Attorney. The contracts shall provide that the appointment is not an exclusive services contract and that the appointee shall receive such sitting assignments, if any, as determined by the Magistrate in his or her sole discretion.
(`87 Code, §§ 5-2-2, 5-2-3) (Am. Ord. 88-09, passed 6-6-88; Am. Ord. 95-14, passed 11-6-95)