§ 33.45 HEARINGS.
   (A)   Procedure for hearing.
      (1)   The Building Official, or designee, shall give a brief general explanation of the content of the application. The Chair shall then determine what parties are available to speak on the application and whether the applicant intends to appear or to rely upon his/her application as written. If the applicant fails to appear, the Board may continue the hearing unless the applicant has requested that the Board act without his/ her being present at the hearing.
      (2)   The Board may then question either the applicant or the Building Official regarding the case.
      (3)   The parliamentary authority for this Board shall be Robert's Rules of Order, except where the Town Code specifically supersedes.
   (B)   Notice of decision. Upon the conclusion of each hearing, the Board shall deliberate and render its decision. The notice of decision shall be signed by the Chair and mailed to the applicant, with a copy provided to the Town Council.
(Ord. 99-17, passed 10-4-99)