(A)   Name. The name of this organization is the Cave Creek Board of Building Code Appeals (“Board”).
   (B)   Membership. The Board shall consist of five voting members, all of whom shall be residents of Cave Creek. The members shall be appointed by the Town Council for a term of office of three years. Each member shall possess knowledge in construction practices or be able to demonstrate knowledge of the Adopted Building Code or other relevant technical codes.
   (C)   Attendance. Upon the failure of any member to attend three consecutive meetings, the Board shall recommend termination of that appointment to the Town Council, and the Town Council shall declare that position vacant. The Council shall make the necessary appointment to fill any vacancy.
   (D)   Officers. The Board, as provided for in the Adopted Building Code, shall elect a Chair and Vice- Chair at its first meeting of the calendar year. The Town's Building Official shall serve as an ex officio member and shall act as Secretary of the Board. The Vice-Chair shall fill any unfilled term of the office of the Chair should that office become vacant for any reason. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall serve at the pleasure of the Board for one-year terms. Officers may be re-elected.
   (E)   Duties.
      (1)   The Chair shall preside at meetings, shall decide all points of order or procedure, shall take evidence, and shall as necessary compel the attendance of witnesses. The Vice-Chair shall be the Acting Chair and shall perform all duties of the Chair whenever the Chair is absent.
      (2)   The Building Official shall be an ex officio member of the Board and shall act as Secretary to the Board but shall have no vote on any matter before the Board.
   (F)   Legal Counsel. The Town Attorney, or designee, shall be the legal counsel for the Board.
(Ord. 99-17, passed 10-4-99; Am. Ord. O2012-02, passed 3-19-12)