(A)   Agenda. The business of the Town Council shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in accordance with the agenda as established by the Mayor and Town Manager.
   (B)   Consent calendar. Matters on the consent calendar shall not require separate action but may be acted upon by adoption of the consent calendar. Any Council Member may request that a consent calendar item be removed from the consent calendar, in which case that item will not be acted upon by the adoption of the consent calendar.
   (C)   Call to the public. Unscheduled petitions, remonstrances, communications, and comments or suggestions from citizens present shall be heard by the Town Council. All such remarks shall be addressed to the Town Council as a whole, and to any Member thereof. Such remarks shall be limited to three minutes, unless additional time is granted by the Town Council. No question shall be asked of any Council Member except through the presiding officer. No Town Council action shall be taken on any “call to the public” items.
(`87 Code, § 2-4-6) (Am. Ord. 89-14, passed 7-5-89; Am. Ord. 90-10, passed 7-2-90; Am. Ord. 91-12, passed 4-9-91; Am. Ord. O2012-02, passed 3-19-12)