The adoption and enactment of this code shall not be construed to repeal or in any way to modify or affect:
   (A)   Any special ordinance or ordinances regarding franchises, annexations, dedications, or zoning.
   (B)   Any ordinance making an appropriation.
   (C)   Any ordinance affecting any bond issue or by which any bond issue may have been authorized.
   (D)   The running of the statute of limitations in force at the time this code becomes effective.
   (E)   The continued existence and operation of any department, agency, commission, or office heretofore legally established or held.
   (F)   Any bond of any public officer.
   (G)   Any taxes, fees, assessments, or other charges incurred or imposed.
   (H)   Any ordinances authorizing, ratifying, confirming, approving, or accepting any compact or contract with any other municipality, the State of Arizona or any county or subdivision thereof, or with the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof.
   (I)   Ordinance 86-9-04 and any amendments of such ordinance.
(`87 Code, § 1-9-2)