A.   Definition: The term “contractual services”, for the purpose of this section, means services performed for the city by persons not in the employ of the city, and may include the use of equipment or the furnishing of commodities in connection with such services under express or implied contract. “Contractual services” includes travel; freight; express; parcel post; postage; telephone; telegraph; utilities; rents; repairs; alterations, and maintenance of buildings, equipment, streets, and bridges, and other physical facilities of the City; and other services performed for the City by persons not in the employ of the City.
   B.   Authority of City Manager: All purchases of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services for the offices, departments and agencies of the city government shall be made by the City Manager or by other city personnel in accordance with purchase authorizations issued by the City Manager.
   C.   Procedure:
      1.   Conditions of Certain Contracts, Purchases and Sales:
         a.   Every such contract or purchase exceeding an amount of $50,000.00, shall require the prior approval of the council; except in an emergency for repairs of existing services, not exceeding $55,000.00.
         b.   Before a contract shall be entered into or any such purchase made involving the expenditure of $50,000.00, or any sale made of property, the value of which is more than $1,000.00, such contract or sale shall:
            (1)   Be approved by the city council.
            (2)   Be submitted for competitive bidding as required by the State of Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act.
      2.   Quotes: When competitive bidding under the Competitive Bidding Act is not required, but the purchase exceeds the spending limits set forth above, the City Manager shall obtain three (3) quotes from various vendors, if possible, and present said quotes to the City Council for determination.
   D.   Disposition of Surplus or Obsolete Materials: No surplus or obsolete supplies, materials or equipment of a value of more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) may be sold until the procedures outlined in this section have been followed. The City Manager may sell the following without giving an opportunity for competitive bidding:
      1.   Surplus or obsolete supplies, materials or equipment whose total value does not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in a single transaction; or
      2.   Supplies, materials or equipment when sold at a price at least as great as that paid by the City for the same; or
      3.   Where the Council has authorized the sale of surplus property at public auction under such terms, conditions and notice as the Council may prescribe or as the City Manager deems appropriate.
(Ord. 2015-399-C, 6-22-2015; amd. Ord. 2022-431-C, 8-22-2022)