A.   Definitions: As used in this section, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection:
   ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY OR ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: The electrical inspector, or the building official or his designee if no electrical inspector is appointed.
   ELECTRICAL APPRENTICE: Any person sixteen (16) years of age or older whose principal occupation is the learning of and assisting in the installation of electrical work under the direct supervision of a licensed journeyman electrician or electrical contractor. Each apprentice shall be in possession of a valid electrical apprentice registration certificate issued by the state.
   ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION WORK: Installation, fabrication or assembly of equipment or systems included in "premises wiring" as defined in the national electrical code, which is adopted in section 10-2-1 of this title. "Electrical construction work" includes, but is not limited to, installation of raceway systems used for any electrical purposes, and installation of field assembled systems such as ice and snow melting, pipe tracing, and manufactured wiring systems. "Electrical construction work" shall not include in-plant work performed by employees of the company owning the plant, work performed by telecommunications employees for telecommunications companies, or installation of factory assembled appliances or machinery which is not part of the premises wiring unless wiring interconnections external to the equipment are required in the field.
   ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Any person skilled in the planning, superintending and practical installation of electrical facilities who is familiar with the laws, rules and regulations governing such work. "Electrical contractor" also means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or business performing skills of an electrical contractor, of an electrician or the business of contracting or furnishing labor or labor and materials for the installation, repair, maintenance or renovation of electrical facilities or electrical construction work according to the provisions of the electrical license act, 59 Oklahoma Statutes section 1680 et seq. Each "electrical contractor" shall be in possession of a valid electrical contractor license issued by the state.
   ELECTRICAL FACILITIES: All wiring, fixtures, apparatus, appurtenances and appliances for and in connection with a supply of electricity within or adjacent to any building, structure or conveyance on the premises but not including the connection with a power supply meter or other power supply source.
   ELECTRICAL SIGN CONTRACTOR: Any person engaged in the business of manufacturing, assembling, wiring, rewiring, installing, erecting, repairing or altering interior or exterior electric signs.
   ELECTRICIAN: Any person engaged in electrical wiring in the city as defined in this chapter and the electrical code adopted in section 10-2-1 of this title.
   JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN: Any person other than an electrical contractor who engages in the actual installation, alteration, repair or renovation of electrical facilities or electrical construction work unless specifically exempted by the provisions of the electrical license act. Each journeyman electrician shall be in possession of a valid journeyman electrician or electrical contractor license issued by the state. (1992 Code § 5-421; amd. 2006 Code)
   B.   License And Registration Required:
      1.   Contractor: No person shall conduct, carry on or engage in the business of electrical installation or maintaining, altering or repairing any wiring, fixtures or equipment for the conducting of electrical current, or act in the capacity of an electrical contractor without first having issued to him a valid and unrevoked electrical contractor's license by the Oklahoma construction industries board and an electrical contractor's registration certificate issued by the city.
      2.   Journeyman: No person shall labor at the trade of electrician in the capacity of a journeyman electrician within the city without first having had issued to him a valid and unrevoked journeyman electrician's license issued by the Oklahoma construction industries board and a journeyman electrician's registration certificate issued by the city.
      3.   Apprentice: No person shall labor at the trade of electrician in the capacity of an electrical apprentice within the city without first having had issued to him a valid and unrevoked apprentice electrician registration certificate by the Oklahoma construction industries board and an apprentice electrician certificate issued to him by the city. (1992 Code § 5-422; amd. 2006 Code)
   C.   Classification Of Registration Certificates: There shall be three (3) classes of electrical registration certificates, as follows:
      1.   Electrical contractor;
      2.   Journeyman electrician; and
      3.   Electrical apprentice. (1992 Code § 5-423)
   D.   Registration And Annual Renewal Fees:
      1.   The registration and renewal fees of electrical contractors shall be as established by motion or resolution of the city council. The fees shall be paid after all requirements are met.
      2.   Every person shall apply for an electrical registration certificate, and his qualifications shall be accepted by the city. (1992 Code § 5-424; amd. 2006 Code)
      3.   Annual renewal of registration certificates shall be accomplished by payment of the renewal fees as provided herein. A receipt and registration certificate for the appropriate year shall be issued by the city upon payment of annual renewal fees. The registration number shall remain the same each year.
      4.   A registration certificate shall be issued to the person named on the certificate who shall be known as the holder of the certificate.
      5.   A registration certificate shall expire annually.
      6.   Renewal applications and fees must be received by the city prior to the expiration of the certificate, or else the applicant must proceed in the manner required of a new or initial applicant.
      7.   This subsection shall not apply to the owner of a single- family dwelling making necessary repairs, additions or alterations to the electrical wiring of such dwelling. (1992 Code § 5-424)
   E.   Journeyman Electricians:
      1.   No person shall work as a journeyman electrician unless he holds a valid, unrevoked license and registration certificate as provided for herein. No journeyman electrician shall perform any electrical wiring installation except through a licensed and registered electrical contractor and shall perform all installations, alterations and repairs of electrical wiring, fixtures and equipment in accordance with this chapter and the electrical code adopted in section 10-2-1 of this title.
      2.   A journeyman electrician's registration certificate shall be issued only to an individual and shall not be transferable or assignable.
      3.   No person shall allow the use of his journeyman electrician's registration certificate, whether directly or indirectly, by any other person for any purpose. (1992 Code § 5-426)
   F.   Electrical Apprentices:
      1.   No person shall act or serve as an "electrical apprentice", as defined in subsection A of this section, for more than ten (10) days before he shall have been issued an electrical apprentice registration certificate.
      2.   No electrical apprentice shall permit the use of his registration certificate, either directly or indirectly, by any other person for any purpose.
      3.   Under no circumstances shall an electrical apprentice perform any duty or phase of electrical installation unless a journeyman electrician or electrical contractor is on the project during such installation and such electrical apprentice is directly supervised by a journeyman electrician or electrical contractor. (1992 Code § 5-427)