A.   Definitions: As used in this section, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection:
    APPRENTICE OR PLUMBER'S APPRENTICE: Any person sixteen (16) years of age or over who, as the principal occupation of the person, is engaged in learning and assisting in the installation of plumbing under the direct supervision of a licensed journeyman plumber or plumbing contractor.
   JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER: Any person, other than a master plumber or plumbing contractor, who engages in or works at the actual installation, alteration, repair and/or renovation of plumbing.
   PLUMBING CONTRACTOR: Any person skilled in the planning, superintending and practical installation of plumbing and is familiar with the laws, rules and regulations governing the same. This definition may be construed to mean any person who has qualified and is licensed under the Oklahoma state plumbing licensing law, who may operate as an individual, a firm, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation, or other legal entity to engage in the business of plumbing, or the business of contracting to do plumbing, or furnish labor or labor and materials, or both, for the installation, repair, maintenance or renovation of plumbing according to the requirements of the Oklahoma state plumbing licensing law. (1992 Code § 5-311; amd. 2006 Code)
   B.   License And Registration Required:
      1.   Contractor: No person shall conduct, carry on or engage in the business of plumbing or act in the capacity of a plumbing contractor within the city without first having had issued to him a valid and unrevoked plumbing contractor's license by the Oklahoma construction industries board and a current plumbing contractor's registration certificate issued by the city. The plumbing contractor must register with the city inspector.
      2.   Journeyman: No person shall labor at the trade of plumbing in the capacity of a journeyman plumber within the city without first having had issued to him a valid and unrevoked journeyman plumber's license by the Oklahoma construction industries board and a current journeyman plumber's registration certificate issued by the city.
      3.   Apprentice: No person shall labor at the trade of plumbing in the capacity of an apprentice plumber within the city without first having had issued to him a valid and unrevoked apprentice plumber registration certificate by the Oklahoma construction industries board and a current apprentice plumber registration certificate issued to him by the city.
      4.   Exemptions: This subsection shall not apply to:
         a.   Minor repairs, consisting of repairing or replacing faucets or minor working parts of plumbing fixtures;
         b.   Farm buildings located outside the city unless such buildings are connected to a public water or sewer system;
         c.   Maintenance work for state institutions and school districts;
         d.   The installation, maintenance, repair, renovation of automatic sprinkler systems and related mechanical appurtenances beginning at a point where the pipe or piping system provides water used exclusively for these automatic sprinklers and their related appurtenances and to standpipes connected to automatic sprinkler systems;
         e.   The construction, installation, maintenance, repair, renovation, and/or removal of pipe or piping systems and related mechanical appurtenances, including backflow preventers, appliances and/or equipment used in connection therewith, directly or indirectly, within or without any building or structure, from a point or location in a source of potable water supply at which point or location there exists any backflow preventer; provided, that said pipe and/or piping systems are for:
            (1)   Heating, except "radiant floor heating systems" as defined in 59 Oklahoma Statutes section 1003, paragraph 9;
            (2)   Cooling;
            (3)   Air conditioning;
            (4)   Refrigeration; or
            (5)   Boilers and other pressure vessels of whatsoever kind and character.
A "backflow preventer", as used herein, means any permanent mechanical device, or combination of permanent mechanical devices, of whatever material, which, after installation, acts to prevent a reversal of the normal directional flow of potable water within the piping system in which it is installed, and shall include, but not be limited to, metal check valves and airgaps, either naturally or artificially created; the exemptions herein being provided to apply only to those items specifically regulated by any city laws and ordinances; and
         f.   An individual who performs plumbing work on such individual's property of residence. (1992 Code § 5-312; amd. 2006 Code)
   C.   Fee: Every person applying for a city plumber's certificate shall, upon acceptance of his qualifications by the city at the time he makes such application, pay to the city the fees established by motion or resolution of the city council. (1992 Code § 5-313; amd. 2006 Code)
   D.   Conditions Of Issuance Of Certificates: The city shall issue plumbing certificates of registration pursuant to the following provisions:
      1.   Contractor: A plumbing contractor's certificate shall be issued to every person who makes application for such certificate, pays the required fee, and presents a valid, unrevoked license issued by the Oklahoma construction industries board for contractor status;
      2.   Journeyman: A journeyman plumber's certificate shall be issued to every person who makes application for such certificate and presents a valid, unrevoked license issued by the Oklahoma construction industries board for journeyman status; and
      3.   Apprentice: An apprentice plumber's certificate shall be issued to every person who makes application for such certificate and presents a valid, unrevoked registration certificate issued by the Oklahoma construction industries board for apprentice plumber status. (1992 Code § 5-314; amd. 2006 Code)