(A)   Pre-application discussion. A pre-application discussion is strongly encouraged between the applicant, the site designer(s), and the Subdivision Administrator. The purpose of this informal meeting is to introduce the applicant and the site designer(s) to Caswell Beach's zoning and subdivision regulations and procedures and to discuss the applicant's objectives in relation to the town's official policies and ordinance requirements.
   (B)   Existing Features Plan (site analysis). Plans analyzing each site's special features are required for all proposed subdivisions, as they form the basis of the design process for house locations, lot lines, street alignments, and conservation areas. The subdivider or his/her representative shall bring a copy of the Existing Features Plan to the on-site walkabout. Detailed requirements for the Existing Features Plan shall include, at the minimum:
      (1)   Contour lines based at least upon topographical maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey;
      (2)   The location of severely constraining elements such as steep slopes (over 25%), wetlands, watercourses, intermittent streams and 100-year floodplains, and all rights-of-way and easements;
      (3)   The location of significant features such as woodlands, treelines, open fields or meadows, scenic views into or out from the property, watershed divides and drainage ways, protected wetlands, fences or stone walls, rock outcrops, and existing structures, roads, tracks and trails.
   (C)   On-site walkabout. After the Existing Features Plan has been prepared, the Subdivision Administrator shall schedule a mutually convenient date to walk the property with the applicant and his/her site designer. The purpose of this visit is to familiarize the Subdivision Administrator with the property's special features, and to provide him an informal opportunity to offer guidance to the applicant regarding the potential house locations, street alignments, and the tentative location of conservation areas.
   (D)   Pre-submission conference. Prior to the submission of the sketch plan or preliminary plat, the applicant shall meet with the Subdivision Administrator to discuss how the severely constraining elements and the significant features, which were identified in the Existing Features Plan, could be applied to the design and layout of the proposed subdivision. At the discretion of the Subdivision Administrator this conference may be combined with the on-site walkabout.
   (E)   Sketch plan.  
      (1)   After the pre-submission conference, a sketch plan shall be submitted for all proposed subdivisions. A sketch plan is drawn to illustrate the initial thoughts about a conceptual layout for house sites, street alignments, and conservation areas, taking into account the special conditions identified in the Existing Features Plan. This is the stage where drawings are tentatively illustrated, before heavy engineering costs are incurred in the design of any proposed subdivision layout. Prior to the preliminary plat submission, the applicant shall submit to the Subdivision Administrator 12 copies of the sketch plan of the proposed subdivision containing the following information:
         (a)   A sketch vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision in relation to neighboring tracts, subdivisions, roads, and waterways;
         (b)   The boundaries of the tract and the portion of the tract to be subdivided;
         (c)   The total acreage to be subdivided;
         (d)   The location of all potential conservation areas, using the Existing Features Plan. These areas consist of wetlands, floodplains, slopes over 25%, soils susceptible to slumping, and noteworthy natural, scenic, and cultural resources;
         (e)   The existing and proposed uses of the land within the subdivision and the existing uses of land adjoining it;
         (f)   The proposed street layout with approximate pavement and right-of-way widths;
         (g)   Proposed lot layout and size of lots;
         (h)   The name, address, and telephone number of the owner;
         (i)   The name, if any, of the proposed subdivision;
         (j)   Streets and lots of adjacent developed or platted properties;
         (k)   The zoning classification of the tract and of adjacent properties;
         (l)   A statement from the Brunswick County Health Department that a copy of the sketch plan has been submitted to them, if a septic tank system or other onsite water or wastewater system is to be used in the subdivision.
      (2)   The Subdivision Administrator shall review the sketch plan for general compliance with the requirements and goals of this chapter and the zoning ordinance. The Subdivision Administrator shall advise the applicant, or his authorized agent, of the regulations pertaining to the proposed subdivision and the procedures to be followed in the preparation and submission of the preliminary and final plats. One copy of the sketch plan shall be retained by the Subdivision Administrator and one copy shall be returned to the applicant or his authorized agent.
(Ord. passed 9-8-83; Am. Res. passed 4-8-10)