(A)   Permit fees. Right-of-way occupancy permit fees shall be amended as follows:
Road excavations/cuts
$25 per linear foots, except farm subsurface drain, with a minimum $200 fee
   Hard surface
$100 per linear foot, with a minimum $500 fee
Plowing in cable or pipe
$5 per linear foot with a $100 minimum fee
Directional boring
$5 per linear foot with $100 minimum fee
Trenching/excavating (adjacent to roadway)
$5 per linear foot with a $100 minimum fee
Boring or pushing under roadway
Total cost per location, $500 per bore
Pole lines
$1,000 per mile or minimum of $100 per pole
Setting individual and below ground structures (other than poles) including pedestals, splicer box, junction box and transformers
$500 per structure
Temporary construction of access roads
Overweight permit
Fees based upon routes of travel, condition of requested travel roads, frequency of travel, and wight.
$100 minimum plus county costs of engineering or other consultants
Frost law exception permit
Fees based upon routes of travel, condition of requested travel roads, frequency of travel, and weight.
$100 minimum plus county costs of engineering or other consultants
Testing permits
Fees based upon road conditions, and number of test sites.
$100 minimum plus county’s costs of any repair
   (B)   Bond. No permit shall be issued unless the applicant has also filed with the County Highway Superintendent a bond, with lawful corporate surety or an indemnity insurance policy, in the sum of not less than $100,000 payable to the County Board of Commissioners conditioned to indemnify and hold the county harmless against any and all claims or injury or damage to persons or property resulting from the performance of work contemplated or any act done pursuant thereto, or against any loss or liability resulting from the maintenance of any such cable, wire, or conduit or other attachments or equipment so installed, or against any costs of repairing or remediating any work performed by the applicant. Such bond shall be a continuing blanket bond for a period of five years from the time work is completed. However, the County Highway Superintendent shall have discretion of requiring a specific larger bond for larger projects on a pet project basis.
(Ord. 2023-02, passed 3-6-2023) Penalty, see § 91.99