(A)   Systems development charge. A systems development charge may be imposed whenever requirements for water are evidenced by request of a metered service two inches in size or over. The City Administrator in consultation with the Superintendent of Public Works and the developer shall make a determination on a case-by-case basis as to a reasonable amount to be approved by the Council.
   (B)   Over-size mains. When the need for an over-size main is principally attributable to a specific development, then the developer shall pay the actual cost of the difference between standard six inch and the main installed.
   (C)   Excavating existing paved surface. An applicant requesting any main or service line extension or installation which involves cutting, excavating and/or replacement of any paved surface shall be charged the actual cost of such cutting and repair in addition to other applicable charges and fees.
   (D)   Special situations.
      (1)   Financing extensions of mains which cross through or by land which has no reasonable expectation of being served by the extension or which is already served off another main or private lines, and installation of any additional facilities needed to develop particular areas of land are the responsibility of the developer. The developer may request in writing that the city participate in the financing of those portions of such projects through waiver of certain main charges or other appropriate methods. The City Council shall review any such requests in light of the availability of funds, the size of the project, overall system needs and the extent of benefit to surrounding property policies as set forth in this subchapter and other pertinent factors. The Council may grant the request as presented or for any lesser amount of assistance, but in no way shall be obligated to honor any such request.
      (2)   Whether or not city funds are involved in the initial financing of any project, the City Council may, where appropriate, establish geographic areas of benefit and impose a utility service charge to be collected at the time of connection to the water system which would be over and above the normal main charge and connection fee as set herein. Such charges would serve to offset the initial cost making water available to certain areas of the city, and would be used under a reimbursement contract to repay proportionally the developer and/or city.
(Ord. 415, passed 3-12-2012)