(A)   Location and premises.
      (1)   All extensions shall be within the urban growth boundary as designated in the city’s Comprehensive Plan.
      (2)   An applicant for new service shall own or control the land at the terminus of the main extension.
   (B)   Main installation and location.
      (1)   The city at its own discretion shall determine what party shall be responsible for installation of all mains and appurtenances. Generally, the city shall be the installer, except in those instances where all land being served is under the ownership and/or control of the applicant, (i.e., new subdivision).
      (2)   Physical location of mains and all other appurtenances shall be the decision of the City Administrator.
      (3)   Service lines installation. Generally service lines will be installed at the same time as the main only when a new connection or paving is imminent or if specifically requested by an applicant. In these cases, the regular connection fee may be appropriately charged a developer at the same time as the main charge.
(Ord. 415, passed 3-12-2012)