(A)   Under no conditions shall upright monuments be allowed within the plotted cemetery area as administered by the city.
   (B)   Every tombstone shall be erected upon a solid concrete foundation with a mixture of not less than four parts sand and gravel to one part cement, and must be no less than eight inches in the ground and otherwise of sufficient size and depth in ground to permanently support a tombstone, said foundation to exceed the size of said monument at least six inches on all sides; and the Superintendent or his/her assistant shall supervise the placing and setting of tombstones, unless written permission otherwise is given by Superintendent and filed with the city.
   (C)   All tombstones must be good grade granite or bronze, or other approved stone. No temporary grave markers will be installed or erected if the same will in any manner interfere with the mowing, care, or other maintenance of said cemetery, or any part thereof.
   (D)   The city will exercise all possible care to protect raised lettering, carving, or ornaments on any memorial or other structure on any lot, but it disclaims responsibility for any damage or injury whatever.
   (E)   No material shall be allowed to remain in longer than is reasonably necessary for any construction work. No work shall be started on Saturday which cannot be completed on that day. No heavy teaming or trucking will be allowed in wet weather.
   (F)   If any monument, effigy, or structure whatever, or any inscription or sign be placed upon any lot which the Superintendent shall decide to be offensive, unsightly, or improper, the city or Superintendent reserves the right to remove the same from the cemetery grounds.
(Ord. 443, passed 6-26-2017)