(A)   Subject to the order of the City Council, the Superintendent shall have absolute charge of the cemetery and is authorized to enforce the rules; to maintain order; to supervise all workmen, visitors, and drivers; to expel from the grounds any improper person or persons, or those who violate the rules; and to refuse admission to any person or materials when he/she may deem such action necessary. The Superintendent shall have and is hereby granted the powers of arrest for any and all violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   All lots are sold subject to the rules and regulations concerning this cemetery now in force or which may thereafter be adopted. No lots will be used for any other than burial of the human dead.
   (C)   All work in the cemetery will be done under the direction of the Superintendent. Lots will be set to grass and mowed in season only.
   (D)   No transfer of any lot, burial space or burial plot may be made to anyone; except that it may be resold to the City of Cascade Locks at a price equal to 10% less per grave space than the price paid by the grantee.
   (E)   No enclosure of any nature, such as fences, copings, hedges, or ditches, shall be allowed around any burial lot.
   (F)   Grave mounts or mounds will not be allowed. No lot or lots shall be raised above the established grade. The grave will receive the same general care as other parts of the lawn, the grass being cut and the leaves and debris raked off at the time that the remainder of the lawn is cleaned.
   (G)   The city shall take reasonable precaution to protect the plot owners and the property rights of plot owners within the cemetery from loss or damage; but it will not be liable, and it distinctly disclaims all responsibility for loss or damage caused by the elements, an act of God, common enemy, thieves, vandals, strikers, malicious mischief makers, explosions, unavoidable accidents, invasions, insurrections, riots, or order of any military or civil authority, whether the damage be direct or collateral, other than as herein provided.
   (H)   It shall be the duty of the plot owner to notify the City Administration Office of any change of their mailing address. Notice sent to a plot owner at the last address on file in the office of the city shall be considered sufficient and proper legal notification.
   (I)   All fittings, adornment, urns, inscriptions, and/or arrangements are hereby declared to be subject to the approval and control of, and acceptance or rejection by, the Superintendent under the direction of the Council.
   (J)   No flower receptacles may be placed on any lot or plot, unless of metal of approved material, size, and design, and set level with the established grade.
   (K)   If boxes, shells, toys, metal designs, ornaments, chairs, settees, vases, glass, wood, or iron cases, and similar articles are placed upon lots, the Superintendent reserves the right to remove the same.
(Ord. 443, passed 6-26-2017)