(A) No person shall keep any wildlife that is located within the city limits.
(B) No person shall keep any exotic animal which is located within the city limits.
(C) The provisions of divisions (A) and (B) above shall not apply to wildlife and exotic animals in a humane environment under trained supervision for which a permit has been issued for a wildlife caretaker, a carnival, circus or special event.
(D) No person shall treat any animal in a cruel or inhumane manner.
(E) Except as the Oregon Wildlife Commission by rule may provide otherwise, no person shall chase, harass, molest, worry or disturb any wildlife.
(F) No person shall keep any animal in a manner that creates or causes offensive odors or in any other way constitutes a danger to public health.
(G) No person shall take part in animal fighting. It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(1) Own or train an animal with the intention that the animal engage in an exhibition of fighting;
(2) Promote, conduct, participate in or be present as a spectator at an exhibition of fighting or preparations thereto;
(3) Keep or use or in any way be connected with or interested in the management of, or receive money for the admission of any person to any place kept or used for the purpose of an exhibition of fighting; or
(4) Knowingly suffer or permit any place over which he or she has possession or control to be occupied, kept or used for the purpose of an exhibition of fighting.
(Ord. 375, passed 6-13-2005) Penalty, see § 90.99
The following are exceptions to the above policies:
(A) Animals of any kind that are professionally trained for support and assistance to persons with disabilities are allowed within the city limits;
(B) A person who has been professionally trained and has obtained a permit as a wildlife caretaker or for a carnival, circus or special event, may maintain wildlife or exotic animals in a humane environment temporarily within the city limits for a maximum of seven days per animal per year. Information that provides documentation of training and issuance of such a permit, along with the duration of the event, shall be delivered to the City Recorder before the animals are brought into the city. Such facilities are subject to inspection by the County Animal Control Officer at all times (24 hours, seven days a week) without notice;
(C) Veterinary facilities for pet animals;
(D) Boarding or day care facilities for pet animals that do not create a nuisance for neighboring property occupants, and that are subject to inspection by the County Animal Control Officer at all times (24 hours, seven days a week) without notice;
(E) Active 4-H or FFA livestock animal projects may be maintained for the duration of the project within the city in a manner that is humane and appropriate for that type of animal and that does not create a nuisance for neighboring property occupants. The livestock facilities must be a minimum of 100 feet from any dwelling on neighboring properties. Information on the type and number of animals, the location where the animals will be housed and the duration of the project must be submitted to the City Recorder before the animals are brought into the city; and
(F) Up to three hens may be kept on parcels less than an acre in size. Ten hens may be kept per acre on parcels that are an acre or more in size. This exception does not include roosters.
(Ord. 375, passed 6-13-2005)
(A) It is the intention of the Council that dog and animal control within the city be handled by Hood River County in a uniform manner, the same as in unincorporated areas of the county and that prior city ordinances pertaining to animal and dog control be repealed in order to have a uniform county wide dog control ordinance.
(B) The city hereby adopts, in its entirety, Hood River County Ordinance No. 355, dated October 16, 2017, or as may hereafter be amended or replaced by Hood River County, and providing for the licensing and regulating of conduct, care, and treatment of certain animals; prohibiting activities; establishing procedures; and providing penalties. Adoption of the county ordinance, which is by this reference incorporated herein in its entirety, shall supersede any prior city ordinances relating to the same subject matter. Any and all city ordinances pertaining to the same subject matter are hereby repealed.
(C) Any dog licensed by Hood River County shall be deemed to be licensed within the city and the city shall not require additional licensing fees.
(D) The city shall coordinate with Hood River County to assist with the licensing and collection of fees for Hood River County and shall designate city staff or other city agency to assist with the licensing, collection of fees, or other requirements of the ordinance.
(Ord. 451, passed 7-27-2020)