   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   EXHIBITION OF FIGHTING. A public or private display of combat between two or more animals in which the fighting, killing, maiming or injuring of animals is a significant feature. EXHIBITION OF FIGHTING does not include demonstrations of the hunting or tracking skills of an animal or the lawful use of animals for hunting, tracking or self-protection.
   EXOTIC, WILD OR DANGEROUS ANIMALS. Includes any animal, of any size, age or sex, which, because of its size, vicious nature, poisonous bite or sting or other characteristics, would constitute a danger to human life or property if not kept or maintained under the immediate control of the owner. EXOTIC, WILD OR DANGEROUS ANIMALS includes, but is not limited to:
      (1)   Any cat other than the Felis catus;
      (2)   Any non-human primate;
      (3)   Any wolf, coyote or other canine not of the species Canis familiaris, or half or less than half of the species Canis familiaris;
      (4)   Any shark, dogfish, piranha or similar carnivorous fish;
      (5)   Any poisonous reptile and crocodilian or lizard whose average adult length is greater than two feet, any snake whose average adult length is greater than six feet, any snake whose average adult length is greater than six feet or any snapping turtle;
      (6)   Any bat;
      (7)   Any skunk, weasel, badger, fox, mammals of the raccoon family or wolverine;
      (8)   Any boar or wild pig;
      (9)   Any bear;
      (10)   Any kangaroo;
      (11)   Any eagle, hawk, osprey, buzzard or similar predatory bird; and
      (12)   Any poisonous or stinging insect or arachnid.
   LIVESTOCK. Includes, but is not limited to, horses, mules, donkeys, cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, geese and other poultry, ostriches and emus, pigeons, swine, rabbits, llamas, swine, bees and fur-bearing animals bred and maintained commercially or otherwise, of any size, age or sex.
   NUISANCE. Any noise, smell or visual object that annoys or irritates neighboring property occupants, and interferes with the peaceful enjoyment of their property.
   OFFICER. Any person appointed by the City Administrator for the purpose of enforcement within the city.
   OWNER. Any person, firm or corporation who owns, keeps, harbors, possesses or has in his, her or its control an animal or animals.
   PERSON. Every natural person, firm, partnership, association or corporation.
      (1)   Of the species Felis catus;
      (2)   Of the species Canis familiaris;
      (3)   A fish kept in a tank;
      (4)   A nonpoisonous reptile;
      (5)   A gerbil, hamster, guinea pig, mouse, rat, squirrel, chipmunk, ferret or similar rodent-like creature kept in a cage; and
      (6)   An amphibian less than one foot in length such as a frog, toad, salamander or chameleon.
   WILDLIFE. Any mammal, bird, reptile, insect or arachnid that is indigenous to this area that was not bred and raised in captivity.
(Ord. 375, passed 6-13-2005)