For purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BORROWER. Individual or multiple landowners applying for a low-interest loan.
   IMPROVEMENT. A site evaluation, design, installation, repair, or replacement of a subsurface sewage treatment system or well or sealing of an abandoned well, appropriate modifications and connections to existing facilities and components to make the improvement functional, and restoration of the site or structure consistent with the existing conditions before the project was commenced.
   LOCAL LENDER. A state or federally chartered bank, a savings and loan association, a state or federal credit union, a non-profit economic development organization approved by the Commissioner, a farm credit systems institution, any participating lender under contract with the Agricultural Best Management Practices Loan Program, or the applicant when designating itself as the LOCAL LENDER.
   PROJECT. All required components, approved by the County CDA or other designated department or agency, to make the improvement fully functional.
   PROPERTY OWNER. The owner or owners as recorded on the tax roll of the county where the real property on which the SSTS or well that is installed, repaired or replaced is located.
   SUBSURFACE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM or SSTS. A sewage treatment system or parts thereof, using soil treatment and disposal to treat 5,000 gallons or less of waste water per day (M.S. § 116.18, subd. 3c) or uses an alternative discharging system treating 10,000 gallons per day using treatment methods and disposal other than subsurface soil treatment and disposal (M.S. Chapter 103I).
   WELL. A well as defined in M.S. § 103I.005, subd. 21, and all other eligible water supplies under M.S. § 17.117.
(Ord. 58-2007, passed 3-27-07; Am. Ord. 89-2018, passed 12-18-18)