(A)   License requirements for household hazardous waste temporary storage facilities are found herein.
   (B)   (1)   In accordance with M.S. § 116.07(4)(k), as it may be amended from time to time, the owner of an MMSW disposal or processing facility must generate a management plan for the separation of household hazardous waste from MMSW prior to disposal or processing and for the proper disposal of the waste.
      (2)   The agency will not grant or renew a permit for a facility which has not submitted a household hazardous waste management plan.
      (3)   This plan must include:
         (a)   Participation in public education activities on household hazardous waste entering the facility;
         (b)   A strategy for reduction of household hazardous waste entering the facility; and
         (c)   A plan for the storage and disposal of separated household hazardous waste.
(Ord. 4C, passed 11-14-00)