Any use listed as an accessory use in the underlying district as modified by any other overlay district and as further regulated below:
   (A)   Water-related accessory structure under the following conditions:
      (1)   The structure is not more than 250 square feet. The structure shall be considered part of the aggregate total square footage of accessory structures permitted.
      (2)   The structure is not more than ten feet high. Detached decks shall not exceed a height of eight feet above grade.
      (3)   The structure is setback ten feet from the ordinary high water level.
      (4)   The structure is situated in a manner and is constructed of a type of material that allows it to blend in with the area.
      (5)   The structure must not be served with sewer or water.
      (6)   The roof may be used as a deck with safety rails, but must not be enclosed or used as a storage area.
   (B)   Stairways, lifts and landings are the preferred alternative to major topographic alterations for achieving access up and down bluffs and steep slopes to shore areas. Stairways, lifts and landings require no setback if they are being used to achieve access up and down bluffs and steep slopes. Stairways, lifts and landings are subject to the following standards:
      (1)   Stairways and lifts must not exceed four feet in width on residential lots. Wider stairways may be used for commercial properties and public open space recreational properties.
      (2)   Landings for stairways and lifts on residential lots must not exceed 32 square feet in area. Landings larger than 32 square feet may be used for commercial properties, and public open-space recreational properties.
      (3)   Canopies or roofs are not allowed on stairways, lifts, or landings.
      (4)   Stairways, lifts, and landings may be either constructed above the ground on posts or pilings, or placed into the ground, provided they are designed and built in a manner that ensures the control of soil erosion.
      (5)   Stairways, lifts, and landings must be located in the most visually inconspicuous portions of lots, as viewed from the surface of the public water assuming summer, leaf-on conditions, whenever practical.
      (6)   Facilities such as ramps, lifts, or mobility paths for physically handicapped persons are also allowed for achieving access to shore areas, provided these facilities meet the standards above (divisions (1) through (5)) as well as complying with the requirements of Minn. Rules Chapter 1340, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (C)   Carver County does not regulate permanent or seasonal docks or private boat ramps. The Minnesota DNR regulates and issues permits for these structures in accordance with Minn. Rules Parts 6115.0150 through 6115.0520, as they may be amended from time to time. For further information contact the Division of Waters at the Minnesota DNR.
(Ord. 47, passed 7-23-02; Am. Ord. 97-2021, passed 7-20-21)