(A)   (1)   All solid waste which is hauled must be secured in covered, leak-proof vehicles or containers such that loads will not blow free or discharge liquids from the hauling vehicle.
      (2)   Where spillage does occur, the material will be picked up immediately by the hauler or solid waste transporter. Spillage that cannot be immediately and completely cleaned up must be reported to the Department.
   (B)   All vehicles or containers which are used to haul solid waste on a regular basis must be kept clean and free of residues of the waste material so as to minimize problems associated with odors, animals and insects.
   (C)   No one shall collect or transport solid waste that is smoking, smoldering or burning, except in a container designed and approved by the Fire Marshal and the Department for that purpose.
   (D)   (1)   Not including non-putrescible source-separated recyclable materials, solid waste may not be stored in any type of collection or transportation vehicle for a period of more than 48 hours. This period may be extended up to 72 hours if the waste can not be disposed of or processed due to a legal holiday being celebrated on a Friday or Monday.
      (2)   Non-putrescible source-separated recyclable materials may be stored in collection and/or transportation vehicles for no longer than seven calendar days.
   (E)   No solid waste collection or transportation vehicle which is not thoroughly cleaned and free of waste residues may be parked outdoors within 500 feet of a commercial or residential structure not owned by the owner or the operator of the vehicle for more than two hours unless the Department has been notified and has approved a longer duration.
   (F)   All relevant Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) requirements regarding equipment, operations and inspections and all applicable local, state and federal regulations must be met.
(Ord. 4C, passed 11-14-00)