(A) Whenever any subdivision of land as outlined in § 151.095 is proposed, before any contract is made for the sale of any part thereof, and before any permit for the erection of a structure in such proposed subdivision shall be granted, the subdividing owner or his or her authorized agent, shall apply for and secure approval of such proposed subdivision in accordance with the following procedures.
(B) Prior to subdividing land, an owner of the land or his or her agent, shall file an application for approval of a minor subdivision. The application shall be made on forms available from the Department and include:
(1) A map or sketch drawn to scale and showing:
(a) All contiguous property and all roads and their proper name;
(b) Proposed new property lines with dimensions noted;
(c) Proposed driveway location and location of existing driveways on the same side of the road, if these are not shown on existing aerial half section maps;
(d) Citation and location of any existing legal rights-of-way or easements affecting the property;
(e) Name and address, including telephone number, of legal owner and/or agent of property;
(f) Proposed legal description of the parcel to be subdivided, if available;
(g) General location, purpose and dimensions of all existing buildings. Location shall note distance of those buildings closest to property lines from the existing and proposed property lines;
(h) General location of any existing tile lines, abandoned wells, drainage ways, waterways, watercourses, lakes, wetlands and the toe and top of any bluffs present. When applicable, the ordinary high water level and 100-year flood elevations must be shown;
(i) Location of a primary and a secondary area for an on-site sewer system on parcels of less than 20 acres.
(2) A survey of the proposed lots or parcels showing the location of all existing buildings thereon which has been prepared and signed by a licensed land surveyor when:
(a) The parcel to be created is less than five acres or has less than 500 feet of frontage on a public road and could be used or is being used for a residential building site;
(b) The parcel is to be used for a non residential or non-agricultural purpose for which a conditional use permit has been issued; or
(c) The parcel is to be used solely for agricultural purposes, will be attached to an adjoining parcel and has no road frontage.
(d) Boundary adjustments unless this requirement is waived by the Department.
(Ord. 33, § 6.4, passed 1-21-92; Am. Ord. 70-2010, passed 1-25-11)