For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AMUSEMENT CONTRAPTIONS. Any device, contrivance, gadget, machine, or structure designed to test the skill or strength of the user or to provide the user with any sort of ride, lift, swing, or fall experience including, but not limited to, ball throwing contest devices, pinball type devices, electronic videos, animal ride devices, dunk tanks, ball and hammer devices, trampoline devices, and the like.
   AREA or AREAS. A specified place within a PARK.
   ASSISTED MOBILITY DEVICE. Any permitted single passenger, electric powered device, which provides access for a PERSON(S) in need of assistance due to a medical condition.
   BEACH. The part of a body of water and shore designated for swimming.
   BICYCLE. Any non-motorized VEHICLE which is driven by means of pedaling. Such VEHICLES include, but are not limited to, road bicycles, mountain bicycles, recumbent bicycles, tricycles, and mopeds with the motor off.
   BOARD. The appointed and elected members of the County Board of Commissioners.
   CANNABIS FLOWER. The harvested flower, bud, leaves, and stems of a cannabis plant. CANNABIS FLOWER includes adult-use cannabis flower and medical cannabis flower. CANNABIS FLOWER does not include cannabis seed, hemp plant parts, or hemp-derived consumer products.
   CANNABIS PRODUCTS. Any of the following:
      (1)   Cannabis concentrate;
      (2)   A product infused with cannabinoids, including but not limited to tetrahydrocannabinol, extracted, or derived from cannabis plants or cannabis flower; or
      (3)   Any other product that contains cannabis concentrate.
   CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. Any drug substance or immediate precursor in M.S. § 152.02, as it may be amended from time to time.
   COUNTY. The County of Carver.
   CREATIVE PLAY AREA. An outdoor area set aside for recreation and play, especially one containing equipment such as slides and swings.
   DISC GOLF. A game played much like traditional golf. Instead of using a ball and clubs, players use a flying disc or frisbee from a tee area to an elevated target basket which is the "hole."
   GEOCACHING. An outdoor recreational activity that involves the use of a global positioning system (GPS) receiver to find an object or geocache placed at a pre-determined location. The internet is often used to provide the direction and coordinates of the geocache.
      (1)   A product intended for human or animal consumption, does not contain cannabis flower or cannabis concentrate, and:
         (a)   Contains or consists of hemp plant parts; or
         (b)   Contains hemp concentrate or artificially derived cannabinoids in combination with other ingredients.
      (2)   Hemp-derived consumer products does not include artificially derived cannabinoids, lower-potency hemp edibles, hemp-derived topical products, hemp fiber products, or hemp grain.
   HIKING. Traveling on foot, specifically, walking, running, or with an ASSISTIVE MOBILITY DEVICE.
   HORSE. A horse, mule, donkey, llama, alpaca, or other ungulate or ruminant that is used to transport people, equipment, or materials.
   LOWER-POTENCY HEMP EDIBLES. Any product that:
      (1)   Is intended to be eaten or consumed as a beverage by humans;
      (2)   Contains hemp concentrate or an artificially derived cannabinoid in combination with food ingredients;
      (3)   Is not a drug;
      (4)   Consists of servings that contain no more than five milligrams of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, 25 milligrams of cannabinol, or any combination of those cannabinoids that does not exceed the identified amounts;
      (5)   Does not contain more than a combined total of 0.5 milligrams of all other cannabinoids per serving;
      (6)   Does not contain an artificially derived cannabinoid other than delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol;
      (7)   Does not contain a cannabinoid derived from cannabis plants or cannabis flower; and
      (8)   Is a type of product approved for sale by the office or is substantially similar to a product approved by the office, including, but not limited to, products that resemble nonalcoholic beverages, candy, and baked goods.
   MALT LIQUOR. Any beer, ale, or other beverage made from malt by fermentation and containing not less than 0.5% alcohol by volume.
   METAL DETECTING. To use an electronic or mechanical device to locate metals or other artifacts that are underground or under water.
   MOTORIZED RECREATION VEHICLE. Any self-propelled, off the road or all-terrain VEHICLE including, but not limited to, snowmobile, mini-bike, amphibious VEHICLE, motorcycle, go-cart, trail bike, dune buggy, or all-terrain cycle.
   NATURAL RESOURCES. All flora and fauna within the parks and the physical factors upon which they depend, including air, water, soil, and minerals.
   PARK. Any land, water area, or trail corridor, and all facilities thereon, owned, leased, controlled, or under the jurisdiction of the county, whether through a lease, rental agreement, license agreement, or any other such agreement or instrument, for the recreational enjoyment of the public.
   PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR. The person selected by the BOARD to serve as the Chief Administrative Officer of the PARKS DEPARTMENT.
   PARKS DEPARTMENT. An operating unit of the Public Works Division responsible for the planning, development, operation, and maintenance of county parks.
   PERSON or PERSONS. Any individual natural human being, partnership, firm, corporation, association, society, or any group or gathering whatsoever.
   PET. Any animal that is tamed and domesticated and kept as a companion.
   POLLUTANT. Any substance, solid, liquid, or gas, which could cause contamination of air, land, or water, so as to create or cause a nuisance or render unclean, noxious, or impure so as to be actually or potentially harmful, detrimental, or injurious to public health, safety, or welfare, or that of wildlife or vegetation.
   PROPERTY. Any land, waters, facilities, or possessions of the county.
   RESOLUTION. Official control promulgated by the BOARD establishing additional rules and regulations relative to this chapter, and as on file in the County Auditor's Office.
   RESPONSIBLE PERSON. The parent, guardian, or PERSON having lawful custody and control of a minor.
   ROLLER SKATER. Any PERSON riding or propelling oneself by human power or gravity on wheeled devices that are worn on a PERSON'S feet or stood upon by a PERSON. Such devices specifically include, but are not limited to, roller skates, in-line skates, roller skis, skateboards, and scooters.
   SMOKE/SMOKING. Inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other lighted or heated product containing, made, or derived from nicotine, tobacco, marijuana, or any other plant intended for inhalation, whether natural or synthetic, including but not limited to cannabis flower, cannabis products, or hemp-derived consumer products. SMOKING includes the inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying of nicotine, tobacco, or any other substance intended for human consumption through inhalation of a vapor or aerosol from an electronic delivery device manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, e-pipe, e-hookah, or vape pen, or under any other product name or descriptor.
   TOBACCO. Tobacco has the meaning given in M.S. § 609.685, subd. 1(a), as it may be amended from time to time.
   USE. To ingest, inhale, or otherwise consume or introduce a substance into the human body in any manner, to leave, discard, or abandon a substance, or to smoke, vaporize, or aerosolize a substance through burning, heating, spraying, or any other method whatsoever.
   USE PERMIT. The written permission that must be obtained from the Parks Division to carry out a given activity.
   VEHICLE. Every device in, upon, or by which any PERSON or PROPERTY is or may be transported or drawn upon a roadway, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
   WATERCRAFT. Any contrivance used or designated for navigation on water other than seaplanes.
   WEAPON. Any device, including, but not limited to, firearms, bows, electronic weapons, slings, and pellet or BB guns, from which a shot or projectile of any type is discharged or propelled by means of an explosive, gas, compressed air, or other means. An ELECTRONIC WEAPON means a portable device which is designed, used, or intended to be used, offensively or defensively, to immobilize or incapacitate persons by the use of an electronic current.
   WILDLIFE. Any living creature, not human, wild by nature, endowed with sensation, power of voluntary motion, including, but not limited to, mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, and mollusks.
   WINE. A vinous beverage containing no more than 14% alcohol by volume.
(Ord. 30, passed 4-14-87; Am. Ord. 72-2011, passed 1-17-12; Am. Ord. 82-2015, passed 1-5-16; Am. Ord. 86-2018, passed 8-21-18; Am. Ord. 105-2024, passed 5-21-24)