6-8-5: REPORTS:
   (A)   Civil Citation: The "civil citation" will serve as the report. Officers will insert the following verbiage on the lines provided for Nature of Offense: "10.0 grams or less of a substance containing Cannabis - Field Test Positive" or "Possession of Drug Paraphernalia with 10.0 grams or less Cannabis".
   (B)   Notations: After giving the violator their respective copies of the citation, officers will make very brief notations directly on the top copy of the citation documenting their observations leading to the seizure of cannabis or drug paraphernalia.
   (C)   Field Reports: Field reports will not be completed for civil violations and will only be completed if an officer takes a subject into custody for a criminal offense and a civil violation is the proximate cause for the arrest.
   (D)   Evidence Inventory Form: An Evidence Inventory form, will be completed in all instances where any amount of cannabis is seized and a copy will be provided to the violator. On the face of the inventory form, the officer will use the citation number for the report number and write "10.0 grams or less Cannabis - Field Test Positive" or "Possession of Drug Paraphernalia with 10.0 grams or less Cannabis".
   (E)   Fingerprinting: Fingerprints will not be taken for "civil citations". When a subject is taken into custody for a criminal offense, "civil citations" written during the same encounter will not be documented on the fingerprint report.
   (F)   Warning To Motorist: Officers will give subjects arrested for DUI cannabis the standard warning to motorist. (Ord. 2016-4, 11-8-2016)