(A) Alert (72 hours before strike):
(1) Convene the Board of Commissioners, the Mayor, the Town Manager, and department heads to review procedures and reaffirm responsibilities of individuals;
(2) Review evacuation zones, traffic control points, and public shelter locations;
(3) Provide awareness information to the public;
(4) Contact the “special needs” citizens to determine their situations and plans; and
(5) Advise the public, and particularly construction projects, to secure loose materials.
(B) Hurricane watch (48 hours prior to strike):
(1) Staff and actuate the EOC in the Town Hall;
(2) Maintain an update on the storm status and forecast;
(3) Test communication equipment and EOC procedures.;
(4) Inform all Departments to top off fuel tanks of town vehicles and emergency stand-by tanks;
(5) Begin consideration of possible evacuation;
(6) Coordinate planned steps with the county Emergency Management Coordinator, including having the Town Manager, or his or her designee, represent the town in the county’s EOC as a member of the control group; and
(7) Coordinate with the county for fuel supply.
(C) Hurricane warning (24 hours before the strike):
(1) Fully activate the town EOC;
(2) Determine if evacuation is desirable;
(3) Check on “special needs” citizens for status;
(4) Stock the town EOC with food, water, ice, and supplies;
(5) Place town personnel on call or assigned duties as required;
(6) Warn or notify the public of the threat and any planned action, using PA systems in police cars if necessary; and
(7) Complete the payroll process.
(D) Strike expected:
(1) When a strike is expected, the Board of Commissioners will declare a state of emergency.
(2) In cases where power outages occur, the Board of Commissioners shall have the authority to impose a curfew. This curfew will be enforced by the Police Department.
(3) No town personnel shall be allowed outside of established shelters at winds at or above 50 mph sustained.
(E) Recovery from the strike:
(1) Dispatch the damage assessment team as quickly as conditions permit;
(2) Working with the EOC control group, determine the plan to establish access to hospital and other public service facilities;
(3) Organize the search teams necessary to enter damaged homes and buildings to look for victims; and
(4) There will be four established, one for each of the four quadrants of town. The first priority of each team will be to clear the roads. Each team will be provided with equipment.
(Ord. passed - -1998)