§ 31.068 DUTIES.
   The Committee shall act as an advisory body to the Board and Town Manager. The Committee shall work with and confer with town staff, the Council of the Sandhills Chamber of Commerce, local residents, and business and community leaders to seek to improve the business climate of the town. The Committee shall seek to identify types of businesses needed in, to recruit new business, to seek to retain existing businesses, and to support efforts to promote and publicize the community. The Committee shall recommend policy changes affecting economic development, shall recommend specific economic development project, shall seek cooperation for joint town-Chamber of Commerce projects, shall undertake fundraising for economic development projects, and shall recommend spending priorities involving economic development. The Committee shall also perform other duties as the Board may direct. Decisions made by the Committee shall be consistent with all codes and policies of the town. The Committee shall have a regular meeting at least quarterly, date and time to be decided at the organizational meeting, with special meetings called by the Chairperson. All meetings shall be held consistent with state open meetings laws.
(Prior Code, § 24.53)