(A)   Any new house, lot, or subdivision in the town limits or extraterritorial jurisdictional limits shall be required to connect onto town water if possible.
(Prior Code, § 50.79)
   (B)   The following standards are mandatory and may not be waived, except by specific Board action and will apply universally after the date of the adoption hereof.
      (1)   All water lines will be constructed, tested, sterilized and operated in total compliance with state Department of Environment and Natural Resources and standards established by the Director of Public Works;
      (2)   The designated representative of the town will personally witness pressure and sterilization tests at applicant’s expense.
      (3)   All lines accepted by the town will have plans and specifications approved by and bear the permit stamp of the state Department of Environment and Natural Resources. All work will be done in strict compliance with the approved plans.
(Prior Code, § 50.80)