(a)   As used in this chapter:
      (1)   “Act” means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended, contained in the Clean Water Act of 1977 (Public Law 95-217, or the “1977 Act”).
      (2)   “Approving authority” means the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs of the Village, its duly authorized deputy, agent or representative.
      (3)   “Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)” means the quantity of oxygen, expressed in milligrams per liter, utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory conditions for five days at a temperature of twenty degrees centigrade (200 C). The laboratory determinations shall be made in accordance with procedures set forth in “Standard Methods”, Section 145, herein.
      (4)   “Building drain” means that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a building drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of any building and conveys such discharge to the building sewer, beginning five feet (1.5 meters) outside the inner face of the building wall.
      (5)   “Building sewer” means the extension, from the building drain, to the public sewer or other place of disposal; may also be called a house connection.
      (6)   “Village” means the Village of Carrollton, Ohio.
      (7)   “County” means the County of Carroll, Ohio.
      (8)   “Chlorine requirement” means the amount of chlorine, in milligrams per liter, which shall be added to sewage to produce a specified residual chlorine content, or to meet the requirements of some other objective, in accordance with procedures set forth in “Standard Methods”, Section 145.
      (9)   “Combined sewer” means a sewer intended to serve as a sanitary and a storm sewer, or as an industrial sewer and a storm sewer.
      (10)   “Commercial user” means a class of user who usually contributes primarily segregated domestic wastes or wastes from sanitary conveniences.
      (11)   “Compatible pollutant” means BOD, SS, pH, and fecal coliform bacteria, plus additional pollutants identified in the NPDES permit for which the treatment facilities were designed to treat such pollutants, and, in fact does remove such pollutants to a substantial degree.
      (12)   “Debt service” means the payments required to retire the treatment facilities debt through cash generated during the period of time that the debt is outstanding.
      (13)   “Engineer” means a Sanitary Engineer as may be designated by the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs.
      (14)   “Federal agency” means the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); may include other Federal agencies such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) and the Economic Development Administration (EDA), etc.
      (15)    "Garbage" means the solid waste from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food and from the handling, storage and sale of produce.
      (16)    "Ground garbage" means garbage that has been shredded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely in suspension under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers with no particle greater than one-half inch in any dimension.
      (17)    "Governmental user" means a class of user who usually contributes primarily segregated domestic wastes or waste from sanitary conveniences.
      (18)    "Incompatible pollutant" means any pollutant which is not defined as a compatible pollutant.
      (19)    "Industrial cost recovery" means the recovery by the Village from industrial users of the Village wastewater treatment facilities of the Federal grant amount allocable to the treatment of waste from such industrial users; and, the commercial users of an individual system of the Federal grant amount allocable to the treatment of waste from such users.
      (20)    "Industrial cost recovery period" means that period during which the capital improvement amount allocable to the treatment of wastes from industrial users of such facilities; a period equal to thirty years, or to the useful life of the treatment facilities, whichever is less.
      (21)    "Industrial user" means:
         A.    Any nongovernmental user of the Village-owned treatment facilities which discharges more than 25,000 gallons per day of sanitary waste or a volume of process waste, or combined process and sanitary waste, equivalent to 25,000 gallons per day of sanitary waste.
         B.    Any nongovernmental user of the Village-owned treatment facilities which discharges wastewater to the treatment facilities which contains toxic pollutants or poisonous solids, liquids or gases in sufficient quantity either singly or by interaction with other wastes, to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals, create a public nuisance, or create any hazard in or have an adverse effect on the waters receiving any discharge from the treatment facilities.
         C.    All commercial users of an individual treatment system constructed with Federal grant assistance.
      (22)    "Industrial waste" means the liquid wastes from industrial operations and/or processes as distinct from segregated domestic wastes or wastes from sanitary conveniences.
      (23)    "Inspector" means an authorized representative of the Village whose primary function is to determine whether any, or all, users comply with this chapter and the regulations of the Village.
      (24)    “Institutional user” means a class of user who usually contributes primarily segregated domestic wastes or waste from sanitary conveniences; usually identified as hospitals, sanitariums, prisons, etc.
      (25)    "Metering" means the mechanical or other means and/or devices for measuring and recording the volumetric quantity of flow through sewers.
      (26)    "Monitoring" means the mechanical or other means to determine the chemical, physical and bacteriological constituents of wastewater in a sewer; synonymous with sampling, inspecting, testing, etc.
      (27)    "Natural outlet" means any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface or ground water.
      (28)    "Normal domestic wastes" means the wastewater discharging from the sanitary conveniences of dwellings, including apartment buildings, hotels, office buildings, schools, churches, institutions and/or industrial plants, which meet the discharge limitation requirements of this chapter.
      (29)    "NPDES permit" means any permit or equivalent document or requirement issued by the State to regulate the discharge of pollutants pursuant to the "National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System" (NPDES) as established by the EPA.
      (30)    "Operation and maintenance (O&M)" means the practical application of a method or process to keep in an existing state, or efficiently preserve from failure or decline, the existing or future treatment facilities. It includes the term "replacement" which is defined as expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories, or appurtenances which are necessary during the service life of the treatment facilities to maintain the capacity and performance for which such facilities were designed and constructed.
      (31)    "Person" means any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group.
      (32)    "pH" means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution.
      (33)    "Pretreatment" means the preliminary treatment of wastewater from the source of such wastewater before introduction into the treatment facilities.
      (34)    "Public sewer" means a sewer in which all owners of abutting properties have equal rights, and is controlled by public authority.
      (35)    "Sanitary sewer" means a sewer intended to carry only sanitary, or sanitary and industrial, wastewaters from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions.
      (36)    "Sanitary waste" means the wastes discharged from the average residential user in the Village sewage service area. The strength of the residential waste discharge in the Village sewage service area is hereby established as 200 milligrams per liter of BOD and 250 milligrams per liter of SS and these concentrations shall be applied in determining equivalent volumes of process waste or combined discharges of sanitary and process wastes for the purposes of industrial cost recovery.
      (37)    "Service charge" means the rate charged by the Village for rendering a service.
      (38)    "Sewage" means a combination of water-carried wastes from residences, commercial establishments, institutions and industrial establishments, together with such ground, surface and storm water as may be present.
      (39)    "Sewer" means a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage.
      (40)    "Sewage collection system" means all sewers within the Village-owned collection and treatment system, which are primarily installed to receive wastewaters directly from facilities, which convey wastewater from individual structures or from private property, and which include service connection "Y" fittings designed for connection with those facilities. The facilities which convey wastewater from individual structures or from private property to the public lateral sewer, or its equivalent, are specifically excluded from this definition, with the exception of pumping units and pressurized lines, for individual structures or groups of structures when such units are cost effective and are owned and maintained by the Village.
      (41)    "Sewage treatment facilities" means any arrangement of devices, structures, and systems used in the treatment of sewage, including outfall sewers, pumping, power and other equipment and their appurtenances; extensions, improvements, remodeling, additions and alterations thereof; and any works, including site acquisition of the land that will be an integral part of the treatment process; synonymous with wastewater treatment works and/or facilities.
      (42)    "Shall" is mandatory; "may" is permissive and subject to approval by the approving authority.
      (43)    "Slug" means any discharge of water, sewage or industrial waste which in concentration of any given constituent or in quantity of flow, exceeds for any period of duration longer than fifteen minutes, more than five times the average twenty-four hour concentration or flow during normal operation.
      (44)    "Small commercial establishments" means those private establishments normally found in small communities, such as restaurants, hotels, stores, filling stations, recreational facilities, etc., with dry weather wastewater flows less than 25,000 gallons per day. Private nonprofit entities such as schools, churches, hospitals, charitable organizations, etc., are considered as small commercial establishments. Commercial establishments with wastewater flow equal to or smaller than one user equivalent (generally 300 gallons per day dry weather flow) shall be treated as residences.
      (45)    "Standard methods" means the examination and analytical procedures set forth in the most recent edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Sewage and Industrial Wastes", published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Federation of Sewage and Industrial Wastes Association.
      (46)    "Surcharge" means the assessment in addition to the service charge which is levied on those persons whose wastes are greater in strength than the concentration values established as representative of normal sewage.
      (47)    "Suspended solids (SS)" means solids that either float on the surface of or are in suspension in water, sewage or other liquids; and which are removable by laboratory filtering. Quantitative determination of SS shall be made in accordance with procedures set forth in "Standard Methods", Section 145.
      (48)    "Tap-in" means the connection of a building sewer to a public sewer; synonymous with "connection".
      (49)    "Treatment works" means any devices and system used in the storage, treatment, recycling, and reclamation of sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature, including intercepting sewers, outfall sewers, sewage collection systems, pumping, power and other equipment and their appurtenances; extensions, improvements, remodeling, additions, and alterations thereof; elements essential to provide a reliable recycled supply such as standby treatment units and clear well facilities; and any works, including site acquisition of the land that will be an integral part of the treatment process or is used for ultimate disposal of residues resulting from such treatment; or any other method or system for preventing, abating, reducing, storing, treating, separating, or disposing of wastes, including storm water run-off, or industrial wastes, including waste in combined stormwater and sanitary sewer systems.
      (50)    "User" means any person making direct use of the Village sewer by deliberately discharging wastewater into it.
      (51)    "User charge" means a charge levied on users of a treatment facility for the cost of operation and maintenance, including replacement, of such facilities; may also mean, as a separate entity, a charge levied on users of such facilities for the purposes of debt service retirement; user charge and debt service are not synonymous.
      (52)    "User charge system" means a system to assure that each recipient of wastewater treatment service pays his proportionate share of the cost of operation and maintenance, including replacement, of the wastewater treatment facilities.
      (53)    "Wastewater" means any waste and water, whether treated or untreated, that is discharged into, or permitted to enter, a Village sewer.
      (54)    "Watercourse" means a channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently. (Ord. 1979-5. Passed 5-14-79.)