(a) All streets to be constructed within the Village shall be constructed as follows:
(1) Right of way widths:
Primary | 100 feet |
Secondary | 80 feet |
Industrial | 60 feet |
Minor | 60 feet |
(2) Pavement widths:
Primary | 50 feet |
Secondary | 44 feet |
Industrial | 36 feet |
Minor | 24 feet |
(3) Parking on street permitted and prohibited:
Primary | Parking permitted on both sides |
Secondary | Parking permitted on both sides |
Industrial | Parking permitted on one side only |
Minor | Parking prohibited |
(4) Profile grade of 3/8" per foot of pavement width, plus berm, if curb and gutter are not used.
(5) Storm sewer piping and catch basins are mandatory, and their sizes will be determined in relation to the area in question.
(6) The distance between the right of way and the storm sewer will be five feet and the profile grade will be the ratio of 3:1.
(7) The area width for the storm sewer will be two feet.
(8) The distance between the storm sewer and the berm, if used, will be 4 feet and the profile grade will be the ratio of 3:1.
(9) The width of the berm, if used, will be four feet.
(10) Sidewalks, if required by the Planning Commission and Council, will be five feet in width and a minimum thickness of four inches.
(11) The use of #609 type 2 combination curb and gutter will be determined by the Planning Commission and Council by reason of the projected use of the land, its topography, and relationship to adjoining properties. The profile grade will be compatible with street surface grade.
(Ord. 1993-16. Passed 8-23-93.)
(12) Minimum standards for street materials will be:
A. #204 Subgrade compaction and proof rolling.
B. #304 four (4) inches limestone aggregate base.
C. #301 seven (7) inches asphaltic concrete base course.
D. #448 one and one-half (1-1/2) inches asphaltic concrete intermediate course.
E. #448 one and one-half (1-1/2) inches asphaltic concrete surface course.
F. #408 prime coat applied at 0.4 gallons per square yard.
G. #407 tack coat applied between asphaltic concrete base course and asphaltic concrete intermediate course at 0.075 gallons per square yard and #407 tack coat applied between asphaltic concrete intermediate course and asphaltic concrete surface course at 0.040 gallons per square yard. (Ord. 2010-13. Passed 6-14-10.)
(b) All concrete subdivision streets shall be constructed pursuant to the following specifications:
(1) Description. This work shall consist of a pavement composed of mesh, wire or fiber reinforced Portland cement concrete constructed on a prepared subgrade or base course in accordance with these specifications and in close conformity with the lines, grades, thicknesses and typical sections shown on the plans or established by the Engineer.
(2) Material. Material shall be:
Concrete: ASTM C 94 Alternate No. 2 4,000 psi at 28 days 6 ± 2% entrained air maximum slump 5 inches Joint sealer: ASTM D 3405 Curing material: ASTM C 309, M 171 or M 182 Tiebars and dowels: ASTM A 615, A 616, A 617 or A 775 Reinforcement: 10 gauge wire or equivalent fiber mesh . |
(Ord. 1993-16. Passed 8-23-93.)
(3) Pavement thickness. The concrete pavement thickness shall be as specified or in conformance with the following table:
5 inches | Through streets |
6 inches | Collector streets |
7 inches | Arterial streets |
(4) Equipment. Equipment shall be as follows:
A. Regular finishing equipment for finishing concrete pavements shall be mechanical, self-propelled spreading and finishing machines either the slip-form or form riding types, and shall be capable of compacting and finishing the concrete.
B. If side forms are used they shall be straight, and of a depth equal to or greater than the specified thickness of the pavement. All forms shall be in sections not less than ten feet in length on a base width sufficient to prevent displacement from line or grade during paving. Flexible or curve forms shall be used for construction of circular pavement where the radius is 100 feet or less. Forms shall have adequate devices for secure setting and locks for joining the ends of abutting form sections together tightly.
(5) Backfilling trenches. Trenches for installation of utilities and drainage shall be carefully backfilled to avoid subsequent consolidation and settlement. All trenches under the pavement area shall be backfilled using Controlled Density Fill (CDF) material. The CDF shall extend for the full depth of the trench up to the subgrade level. Trenches beyond the pavement area may be backfilled with CDF, soil or granular materials.
(6) Subgrade preparation. The subgrade under all pavement areas shall be constructed to the specified line and grade. It shall be compacted to the maximum uniform density at, or slightly above, optimum moisture. Moisture shall be maintained at, or slightly above, optimum until the concrete pavement is constructed. All areas that cannot be compacted to the uniform density and areas that are soft or spongy shall be removed, replaced with suitable material similar to the adjoining subgrade and compacted, or with Controlled Density Fill.
(7) Finegrading of subgrade or base.
A. After the subgrade has been compacted to the specified density, the areas on which the pavement is to be constructed including the areas which will support the paving machine or side forms shall be cut to the plan elevation. If side forms are used, they shall be set to line and grade and securely fastened.
B. A minimum two inch base shall be placed, compacted and brought to final grade after the subgrade is completed and accepted. The base shall be daylighted to the slope.
(8) Placing concrete. The concrete shall be deposited on prepared subgrade or base in a manner that requires as little rehandling as possible. For concrete placed when the temperature of the air is thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit or below, the concrete immediately after placing shall have a temperature between fifty and eighty degrees Fahrenheit. The subgrade or base shall be entirely free from frost when concrete is deposited.
(9) Consolidating and finishing. The pavement shall be finished by an approved slip-form paver or form riding finishing machine operated over each section of pavement to produce the specified results.
A. On small projects with variable widths the pavement may be finished by an approved vibratory screed in lieu of a finishing machine.
B. The surface shall be continuously checked for trueness with ten-foot straightedges. If the pavement surface is dragged with a diagonal or vee-shaped float, only occasional straightedge surface checks, while the concrete is plastic, will be required.
C. Before the concrete has taken its initial set, the edges of the pavement along each side shall be worked with an approved tool and rounded to a radius of one-fourth inch. The edges along each side of an expansion joint shall be rounded to a radius of one-eighth inch. The pavement shall be textured to provide a satisfactory surface. A transverse broom texture or an artificial turf drag shall be applied to provide a uniform gritty texture.
(10) Joints. Joints shall be constructed to the type, dimensions and at locations specified.
A. Longitudinal joint. Longitudinal joints shall be constructed by sawing or by forming between adjoining lanes of concrete pavement. Normally the distance between longitudinal joints or longitudinal joints and pavement edges will be twelve feet. In no case should this distance exceed sixteen feet.
If the longitudinal joint between simultaneously placed lanes is made with a concrete saw, sawing shall be done to a minimum depth of one-third of the specified pavement thickness as soon as possible, but no later than the following day. The width shall be approximately one-eighth inch.
B. Transverse joints. Transverse joints shall be constructed by sawing to a minimum depth of one-fourth of the specified pavement thickness and a maximum width of three-eighths inch (determined at the time of sawing). joints shall be continuous across the full width of slab, including adjoining lanes, curbs, and curb and gutter sections. Joints shall be sawed as soon as the saw can be operated without damaging the concrete. In lieu of sawing, joints may be hand formed on small projects or on irregular shaped sections of the pavement, as approved by the Engineer.
Unless otherwise indicated on the plans, maximum spacing of transverse joints shall be in accordance with the, following:
Pavement Thickness (inches) | Maximum Spacing (feet) |
5 | 12 |
6 | 15 |
7 | 15 |
The maximum spacing of transverse joints should not exceed fifteen feet for plain concrete pavements regardless of thickness.
C. Construction joints. Construction joints shall be constructed at the end of each day's work and whenever necessary to suspend work for more than thirty minutes.
D. Load transfer. Load transfer devices are only required in transverse expansion and construction joints in arterial streets. One inch smooth round dowels shall be placed at one-foot intervals transversely and at mid-depth of the pavement. An assembly shall be used to maintain dowels parallel to the centerline of the pavement surface, and to one another during construction.
Tiebars shall be installed at five foot intervals in the longitudinal joints in streets without curbs or curb and gutter sections. Tiebars shall be five-eighths inch diameter deformed bars, thirty inches in length. They shall be installed at mid-depth of the pavement.
E. Expansion joints. Expansion joints shall be constructed on each side of a bridge at approximately twenty and sixty feet from the bridge approach slab. A one-inch thick pre-formed filler shall extend the full width and depth of the pavement. If joint sealing is specified, an opening one inch in width by one inch in depth shall be formed for installation of the joint sealer.
F. Isolation joints. A minimum one-fourth inch thickness pre-formed filler shall be installed wherever the pavement abuts adjoining concrete or masonry walls, around manholes, catch basins and all interruptions in the pavement. The filler shall extend the full width and depth of the pavement to isolate the new concrete from existing and allow for differential vertical movements.
(11) Curbs. Curbs shall be constructed along the edges of all street where shown on the plans and shall be formed to the cross-section specified. Curbs, and curbs and gutters, may be constructed integrally with the pavement using slipform or extrusion equipment, or placed immediately after finishing operations using face forms, or they may be hand formed. Curbs, or curb and gutter sections, may be constructed as a separate operation before or after pavement construction using forms, slipforms or extrusion equipment. If constructed prior to the pavement, the curb and gutter section may be used as forms.
(12) Curing. Immediately after the finishing operations have been completed and after the free water has evaporated from the surface, the concrete shall be cured by spraying thereon a uniform application of curing membrane in such a manner as to provide a continuous uniform film without marring the texture of the surface. A minimum of one gallon of material shall be used for each 200 square feet of surface. Curing material shall be thoroughly agitated immediately prior to use.
If forms are used, the pavement edges shall be coated with the curing material as soon as the forms are removed. Any areas of pavement film that may have been damaged shall be resprayed during this operation. Curing may also be accomplished by means of water curing with wet burlap cloth, waterproof paper or polyethylene sheeting. Curing shall be applied as soon after the finishing operations as possible without marring the surface texture. Curing shall be continued for seven days unless specimen beams have attained a modulus of rupture of 600 psi.
The contractor responsible for protecting the concrete from freezing. The above requirements are minimum requirements only. Any concrete showing injury or damage due to inadequate or improper curing shall be repaired by the contractor at no additional cost.
(13) Surface smoothness. The concrete pavement surface shall be constructed to a tolerance of one-fourth inch in ten feet. Sections of pavement containing depressions that cannot be corrected by grinding shall be repaired by the contractor.
(14) Sealing joints. Joint sealing is specified. Joints shall be sealed as soon after completion of the sawing as is feasible and before the pavement is opened for use. Just prior to sealing, each joint shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign material by a jet of water or air under pressure. The joint faces shall be clean and surface dry when the seal is applied. For transverse joint sealing, backer rod material shall be installed in each joint so the top is three-fourths of an inch below the pavement surface. Joint seal material shall be applied and the surface struck-off so that the top of the sealing material is one-fourth of an inch below the pavement surface. The completed sealed joint shall be clean and neat without any sealing material on the pavement surface.
(15) Opening to traffic. The completed pavement may be opened for general use when seven days have elapsed. The pavement may be opened for general use when seven days have elapsed. The pavement may be opened to local traffic after three days have elapsed, provided that test beams are made and a modulus of rupture of 600 psi has been attained.
(16) The following illustrations are provided to supplement the previous concrete street specifications. (See Exhibit A.)
(c) Inspection personnel will be designated by Council and all costs for same will be paid by the developer. The charge for inspections of street construction shall be the actual expense incurred on an hourly basis.
(d) A street profile, drawn by a registered engineer, will be provided showing grade, street name, street materials and specifications, any utilities within street right of way and any other pertinent information necessary for proper street construction. Copies will be provided for Planning Commission, Clerk-Treasurer, Board of Public Affairs and Council.
(e) For a period of three years from completion of street construction, the developer shall make any repairs required by Council.
(f) Whenever the strict enforcement of this section would entail unusual, real and substantial difficulties or hardships, the Planning Commission and Council may vary or modify the terms in such a way that the subdivider is allowed to plan and develop his property and make necessary improvements without unjust difficulties and hardships, if at the same time the public interests of the Municipality are fully protected and the general intent and purpose of this section is preserved. (Ord. 1990-13. Passed 7-9-90.)