Ord. No.   Date   Description
1976-2   4-27-76   Amends 1973-9 to rezone 8 acres of Section 2, Township 15, Range 6 from RU to RA.
1977-4    3-8-77   Amends 1973-9 to rezone Lot 2 in Elson and Leslie’s Addition to the northeast corner of N. Lisbon St. and Third St. NE known as 312 N. Lisbon St. from RD to RA.
1977-7   8-23-77   Amends 1973-9 to rezone Lots 5, 6 and 7 in the Pearson Addition known as 499 and 517 W. Main St. from RS-1 to B-1.
1977-13   9-14-77   Amends 1973-9 to rezone Lot 3 in Hardesty’s First Addition known as 255 Second St. from RS-2 to B-1.
1978-5   6-26-78   Amends 1973-9 to rezone 1.021 acres owned by R. and N. China, Gary Roof and C. Nelson and being part of Section 33, Township 14, Range 5; 6 acres owned by Genuine Parts Co. of Atlanta, Georgia, and being part of Section 33, Township 14, Range 5 and 1.999 acres owned by Kenneth Widder and being part of Section 33, Township 14, Range 5 from RS-1 to B-3.
1978-6   6-26-78   Amends 1973-9 to rezone 0.205 acres in Section 22, Township 14, Range 5 of the Steubenville Land District from RS-1 to B-1.
1978-12   9-11-78   Amends 1973-9 to rezone part of Lot 4 in Pearson’s Addition from RS-2 to B-1.
1979-3   3-26-79   Amends 1973-9 to place any territory not otherwise designated at the time of annexation in the R-1 Residential District.
1979-6   5-14-79    Amends 1973-9 to place any territory not otherwise designated at the time of annexation in the R-1 Residential District.
1979-18   12-10-79   Amends 1973-9 to rezone part of Lot 23 and all of Lot 24 in Atkinson’s First Addition from RA to B-1.
1979-19   12-10-79   Amends 1973-9 to rezone 0.88 acres in Section 31 of the Steubenville Land District from RS-1 to B-1.
1979-20   12-27-79   0.30 acres in Section 1 and 8.53 acres in Section 31 designated RA District.
1979-21    12-27-79   4.6418 acres in Section 33 designated RA District.
1980-5   7-28-80   Amends 1973-9 to rezone parts B and C of Lot 9 in Atkinson’s First Addition from RS-1 to B-1.
1980-6   8-11-80   Amends 1973-9 to rezone 2 parcels of land totaling 3.02 acres of land from B-3 to I.
1980-11   10-27-80   Amends 1973-9 to rezone certain property to RS-3, RA, I and
1983-15   8-22-83   Amends 1973-9 to rezone Lots 42 through 47 in the Smythe Allotment from RS-1 to B-2.
1984-3   2-27-84   Amends 1973-9 to rezone 3 parcels of land totaling .29 acres from RS-2 to B-2.
1984-10   5-30-84   Amends 1973-9 to rezone Lots 8 through 12 in the Smythe Allotment from RS-1 to B-2.
1984-11   5-30-84   Amends 1973-9 to rezone Lots 36 and 37 and parts of Lots 38 through 41 in the Smythe Allotment from RS-1 to B-2.
1984-13   9-24-84   Lot 1 in Pierson’s Addition owned by John R. and Jacqueline Heflin and Duane C. and Elizabeth L. Moser from RS-1 to B-2.
1984-16   10-8-84   Part of 42.54 acre tract of land in the southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 15, Range 6 owned by the Steubenville Catholic Diocese from Rural to B-2.
1985-14   12-23-85   Amends 1973-9 to rezone 1.362 acres being Lots 1, 2 and 3 in an unrecorded plat from RS-1 to B-1.
1985-15   12-23-85   Amends 1973-9 to rezone part of Lots 64, 66 and 68 in Robert’s First Addition and Lots 100 and 101 in Robert’s Second Addition from RA to B-1.
1986-3   2-10-86   Amends 1973-9 to rezone 1.064 acres in the southeast quarter of Section 3 in Township 15, Range 6 from I to B-2.
1986-4   3-10-86   Amends 1973-9 to rezone two tracts of land in the southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 14, Range 5 in the Steubenville Land District and a ten foot stip off of the east side of Lot #1 in Fred W. McCoy’s Addition from RS-1 to B-1.
1986-12   11-10-86   Amends 1973-9 to rezone a parcel of land in the Northview First Subdivision from RA to B-2.
1987-9   5-18-87   Amends 1973-9 to rezone Lots 2 and 3 in Pierson’s Addition from RS-2 to B-1.
1987-10   6-8-87   Corrects clerical error in Ord. 1984-13 to change B-2 reference to B-1.
1987-22   12-14-87   Amends 1973-9 to rezone a parcel of land from RS-3 to R-A.
1988-5   4-25-88   Amends Ord. 1973-9 to rezone a parcel of land in the attached Exhibit A from R-A to B-2.
1988-15   4-25-88   Part of southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 15, Range 6, Center Township being territory annexed to the Village designated RS-2 for zoning purposes.
1988-25   8-22-88   Tract of land in the Oak Hill Addition from RS-2 to RD.
1988-30   1-9-89   Parcel of land on N. Lisbon St. from R-2 to R-A.
1989-14   7-10-89   Lots 13, 14 and 15 in Smyth’s Allotment on Canton Road from RS- 1 to B-2.
1989-15   7-24-89   Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Atkinson’s Allotment from RA to B-1.
1989-32   2-12-90   A parcel of land from RS-2 to B-1.
1989-33   2-12-90   A parcel of land from R-U to B-2.
1990-11   8-13-90   A parcel of land from RS-3 to B-1.
1991-26   11-25-91   Property at 259 3rd St. from RS-3 to B-1.
1992-09   6-8-92   7,150 square feet of property being a part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 14, Range 5, Steubenville Land District from RS-2 to B-1.
1992-16   11-9-92   131 Second St. S.E. from RA to B-2.
1993-03   2-22-93   4.694 acres of land being part of a 23.023 acre tract from RU to RA.
1993-12   7-26-93   Property described in Exhibit A of this ordinance from RS-1 to R-A.
1994-03   2-28-94   An 18 acre tract described in Exhibit A from RU to RA.
1994-04   2-28-94   An 18.45 acre tract from RU to B-2.
1994-05   2-28-94   Part of Lot 25 of Eisenhut Allotment from RS-1 to RA.
1994-07   5-25-94   Property owned by Paul Moody from R-U to R-A.
1996-22   12-9-96   Properties located on the north side of Second St. N.W. from State Route 43 to Cellars Alley and along Cellars Alley to include the Daringer Property from RS2 to RD.
1996-25   12-9-96   Property known as 618 Canton Road N.W. from B-2 to B-3.
1997-03   3-10-97   Lots #10, 11 and 12 in Atkinson and McCook Addition and Lot #1 in Cetkinson’s Southwestern Addition be rezoned from RA to B-1.
1997-19   10-27-97   Property described in Exhibit A from RS-1 to RS-3 and property fronting State Route 9 along the Carroll Meadows Golf Course from RS-1 to B-1.
1997-20   10-27-97   A parcel of land described in Exhibit A from B-1 to B-3.
1999-27   12-13-99   A parcel of land described in Exhibit A from RU to RA.
2000-04(a)   2-28-00   A parcel of land described in Exhibit A from RS-1 to B-2.
2000-15   6-12-00   A parcel of land described in Exhibit A from R-A to B-2.
2000-16   6-12-00   A parcel of land described in Exhibit A from R-A to B-2.
2001-45   12-27-01   Certain property owned by Roy and Vera Toalston from RC to B-1.
2005-4   4-25-05   Property currently owned by the Center Township Trustees from RA to B-1.
2005-19   11-14-05   Property currently owned by Joy Reed from RA to B-1.
2007-22   6-11-07   Property currently owned by Mark Lamielle from RA to B-1.
2007-29   9-10-07   Property currently owned by various property owners from RA-2 to B-1.
2007-35   9-24-07   Property currently owned by Countryside Estates, Ltd. from B-2 to RA.
2008-14   4-28-08   Property currently owned by Carrollton Farmers Exchange Co. from RA to I.
2012-20   6-25-12   Certain property currently owned by Daniel R. Ries and Thomas W. Parker from the split zoning of RD and B-3 to all of said premises being zoned as a B-3.
2013-33   11-25-13   Certain property currently owned by Sisters of Our Lady of Charity from RS2 to B-1 District.
2014-26   10-27-14   The following premises from RS-1 to said premises being zoned a B-1 zoning district: Situated in the Village of Carrollton, County of Carrol and State of Ohio: Known as and being Lot Nos. 25, 26 and 27 in Smythe Allotment to said Village. Parcel Nos. 10-0000687.000, 10-0000688.000 and 10-0000689.000.
2016-42   1-9-17   Certain property owned by various owners located on 2nd Street SE from RS Residential to B-1 Commercial.
2017-45   11-13-17   Parcel Nos. 10-0001430.000, 10-0001482.000, 10-0000483.000, 10-0000484.000 and 10-0000992.000 from B-1 (General Business District) and RS-2 (Residential) to an I (Industrial).
2019-40   11-25-19   The Carrollton Village Schools Annexation property, which includes the property known as the Carrollton Village Schools property and the Industrial Park property, is hereby designated as an I Industrial District zone.
2019-41   11-25-19   The Carrollton Chaela Annexation property, known as the Centreville Village property, is hereby designated as a B-1 General Business District zone.
2021-08   2-22-21   Property located at 40 Second Street NE, from B-3 to RA.
2021-25   6-28-21   130 North Lisbon Street from B-3 to RA.
2024-17      5-29-24      Parcel Number 10-0000674.000 with an address of 256 North Lisbon Street, from RD Residential District to B-1 General Business District.
2024-18      5-29-24   Parcel Number 10-0001434.000 with an address of 613 and 615 N. High St., from I Industrial District to B-2 Highway Business District.