Ord. No. Date Description
3 Part of Second St. west of Lincoln Ave.
7 6-24-02 Certain alleys in Atkinson’s Western Addition.
15 4-26-04 An alley between Lots 33 and 34 in Atkinson’s and McCook’s Addition.
23 4-6-11 Portion of N. Grant St. from the Wheeling and Lake Erie RR Co’s track to a point west a distance of 232 ft.
24 11-25-11 First alley north of the Carrollton Novelty Works.
25 11-25-11 First alley south of Orchard St. in the Allen and Helfrich Addition.
30 12-28-14 A 10-foot strip east of N. High St. between Butler Ave. and an alley separating lands of W. Miller and C. Mitzel.
45 11-25-24 Alley between Lots 48, 50 and 52 of Atkinson’s First Addition and Lot 22 in Atkinson’s and McCook’s Addition.
140 11-20-39 Alley between Lots 5 and 6 in Roudebush’s and Johnson’s Second Addition.
145 5-14-40 Part of the north side of Third St. N.E.
Res.298 10-8-51 Part of a 10-foot alley extending from Garfield Ave. in the northwest section of the Village.
Res.367-1954 2-24-54 Part of an alley west of Lincoln Ave., north of Main St., West
Res.368-1954 3-8-54 Part of an alley from the north side of Third St. owned by Lulu Miller, et al.
1955-1 2-14-55 Part of a 10-foot alley west of N. High St.
1960-5 5-23-60 An alley from Lincoln Ave. to Cellars Alley between Lots 25 and 26 in the Beautiful View Addition.
1960-10 10-24-60 Part of an alley from Moody Ave. to a 12-foot alley and between Lot 10 of the Moody Addition and Lot 1 of Coggin’s Allotment.
1961-1 5-8-61 An alley known as part of Atkinson’s Extension to Canal St.
1967-2 3-13-67 Part of Eighth St. N.W. in the Carroll Hts. First Allotment.
1968-3 6-24-68 An alley from Fifth St. N.W. to the crossing alley in the Mayfield Addition.
1968-5 8-26-68 An alley from Third St. S.E. to the crossing alley in Atkinson’s First Addition.
1969-3 7-28-69 A 12-foot alley from Centennial Ave. south between Lots 18 (Part B) and 19 in the Stewart and Orr Addition.
1970-5 8-24-70 An alley from Fourth St. N.E. 154 feet across an alley immediately to the rear of Lots 28 and 29 in the Stewart and Orr Addition.
1970-6 12-14-70 An alley from Fourth St. N.E. to a 6.92 acre tract.
1970-7 12-14-70 An alley between the entire west side of Lot 32 and the east sides of Lots 33 through 35 of the Stewart and Orr Addition.
1970-8 12-28-70 An alley from Fourth St. S.E. to a 12-foot alley in the rear thereof.
1970-9 1 2-28-70 An alley from Fourth St. N.E. to an alley in the rear.
1973-8 9-10-73 Alley between Lots 74 through 80, the Beautiful View Addition.
1977-2 3-7-77 An unimproved street south of Lot 50 in Smythe's Allotment.
1980-13 10-27-80 An alley abutting Lots 10 through 13 of Sterling's Addition.
1988-27 10-17-88 An alley abutting Lots 11 and 13 and Lots 3 and 4 in H. C. George's Addition.
1989-07 5-22-89 Amending Ord. 1969-3 relating to the vacation of a certain alley in Stewart and Orr's Addition.
1990-12 8-13-90 Two alleys abutting property owned by Thorne.
1991-05 3-11-91 An alley abutting lots 19 and 17 in S. L. and F. M. Sterling's Addition to the Village.
Res.1991-09 3-25-91 An alley running easterly along the northern boundaries of Lots 49 and 32 from Canton Road to the easterly boundary of Lot 32.
1991-17 8-12-91 An alley beginning at Canton Rd. and running in an easterly direction and along the northern boundaries of Lots 49 to 32.
1992-13 8-24-92 An alley beginning at the northwest corner Lot No. 7, Moody Addition.
1992-15A 11-9-92 An alley at the southwest corner of Section 22, Township 14, Range 5.
1993-06 5-24-93 An alley beginning at Lincoln Ave. and running in a westerly direction and along the boundaries of Lot 68 and 69.
1993-11 7-26-93 A sixteen foot alley between Lots 4 and 5 in Hardesty Heirs Addition.
Res.1993-13 7-26-93 A sixty foot long, ten foot wide alley running parallel and along the north line of Lot 47.
Res.1993-17 7-26-93 An 180 foot long, ten foot wide alley that abuts the western boundary of Lot 1 of Robert's Third Addition.
1993-18 8-9-93 A sixty foot long, ten foot wide alley running parallel and along the north line of Lot 47.
1993-19 8-23-93 An 180 foot long, ten foot wide alley that abuts the western boundary of Lot 1 of Robert's Third Addition.
1993-26 12-27-93 Amends Ordinance 1992-13.
1997-14 8-25-97 A portion of a 10 foot wide alley running parallel and between Lots 73 and 75 for 132 feet in Roberts First Addition.
1997-18 10-13-97 A 12 foot wide alley running parallel and between Lot 3, 4 and 5 in Moody’s Addition for a distance of 123.08 feet.
1999-15 9-27-99 A 12 foot wide and 198 foot long alley running north-south between Lots 9 and 6-B commencing at 7th St.
2000-11 1-24-00 The alley between Lots 9 and 4 commencing at 7th St.
2000-24 9-25-00 An alley being part of the northwest quarter of Section 31, Township 14, Range 5, located at Third St.
2001-08 3-26-01 An alley located in southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 14, Range 5 and being part of a 6.00 foot alley in Stewart and Orr’s Addition.
2001-09 3-26-01 An alley located in the southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 14, Range 5 and being part of a 16.5 foot alley in William Croxton’s Addition.
2001-46 12-27-01 The section of Abrahms Ave. between its intersection with Monroe Ave. and property owned by the North American Union of the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity.
2009-49 8-10-09 Portion of a 12' alley from its terminus approximately 34' southeasterly toward North High Street and abutted by lands of the Richard C. Hannon Trust.
2010-17 7-12-10 A portion of an unbuilt 12' alley running west from Lincoln Avenue NW south 62 degrees, 19 minutes, 30 seconds east for a distance of 142 feet terminating at a 15 foot unbuilt alley and abutted by the lands of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Stark and Carroll Counties, Inc.
2011-36 9-26-11 A 10 foot by 132 foot strip of ground running parallel and between Lots 41 and 43.
2017-27 7-10-17 Vacating a portion of an unimproved 10" alley running west to east from Stewart Avenue NE to the east side of Lot 27 in the Stewart and ORR Addition.
2018-17 6-25-18 Vacating a portion of an unimproved 14' alley running North to South from 3rd Street NE to an improved 10' alley.
2019-29 6-24-19 Vacating the unimproved portion of an alley in the Homestead Allotment.
2020-18 6-8-20 Portion of an unimproved alley running south to north from 5th Street NW to an intersecting unnamed alley running parallel to 5th Street NW.