   (a)   No person shall erect or post any sign in any RU, RC, RS-1, RS-2, RS-3, RD or RA District except as follows:
      (1)   One permanent nameplate sign for each dwelling unit in a single-family or two-family dwelling, with a maximum three square feet of face area, containing the name of the occupant or property or any home occupation.
      (2)   One permanent or temporary on-site roadside sign for lands used for agricultural purposes with a maximum eighteen square feet of face area for any lot five acres or more and a maximum four square feet of face area for any lot less than five acres, and which advertises only goods sold on the premises. In addition, each agricultural lot shall be allowed two off-site directional signs, each with a maximum one square foot of face area.
      (3)   One temporary building construction sign with a maximum eighteen square feet of face area which may be exhibited only during the construction period.
      (4)   One temporary “for sale” or “for rent” sign with a maximum eight square feet of face area.
      (5)   One temporary subdivision, development or model home sign with a maximum thirty square feet of face area per subdivision. Such sign shall be removed or the permit renewed annually not later than one year after initial issuance.
      (6)   Political signs may be exhibited not more than thirty days before nor more than seven days after the date of any election.
      (7)   Temporary signs promoting school, church or community service activities may be exhibited not more than fourteen days before the commencement of such activity nor more than seven days after such activities ended.
      (8)   One permanent identification sign for each church, school, memorial park or golf club use.
      (9)   One garage sale sign with a maximum four square feet of face area, which may be exhibited only during the conduct of such sale and only on the lot where conducted. “Garage sale” as used herein means a sale of residential household goods, equipment, utensils, appliances, personal clothing or effects, or other similar personal property, and includes without limitation the following types of sales: house, barn, basement, attic, porch, carport, lawn, yard, driveway, clothesline, casual, rummage, flea market, and the like.
   (b)   All signs permitted in the RU, RC, RS-1, RS-2, RS-3, RD and RA Districts shall be subject to the following: No sign shall be illuminated except for nameplate signs not denoting a home occupation or identification signs for a church, school, memorial park or golf club.
   (a)   No person shall erect or post any sign in any Commercial or I Industrial District except as follows:
      (1)   One freestanding ground sign with a maximum face area of thirty-two square feet per business or industrial property lot or combination of lots or portions thereof combined to form one parcel.
         (Ord. 2001-39. Passed 8-27-01.)
      (2)   One wall sign per building occupant limited to three-fourths square feet of face area for each lineal foot or part thereof of building width occupied or one sign on a mansard placed in the center one-third at a height not greater than one-fourth the mansard height, but neither sign exceeding a maximum seventy-five square feet of face area.
      (3)   One identification sign per rear door limited to a maximum six square feet of face area for a public rear entrance and limited to a maximum three square feet of face area for a service entrance.
      (4)   One temporary building construction sign as provided for in Section 1189.05(a)(3).
      (5)   One temporary “for sale” or “for rent” sign as provided for in Section 1189.05(a)(4).
      (6)   Temporary service activities sign as provided for in Section 1189.05(a)(7).
   (b)   All signs permitted in Commercial or Industrial Districts shall be subject to the following:
      (1)   Signs shall be exhibited only on the property being developed or used in connection with such sign.
      (2)   All signs may be illuminated and have changeable copy.
      (3)   Abandoned signs relating to any business or industry which has moved or discontinued operations shall be removed by the property or building owner or his agent within thirty days after such vacation or discontinuance.
   (a)    The following signs are hereby prohibited in the Village:
      (1)    Roof signs.
      (2)    Projecting signs.
      (3)    Pole signs which permit pedestrians or vehicles to pass under such signs.
      (4)    Searchlights, balloons and similar advertising devices.
      (5)    Signs resembling traffic control devices.
      (6)    Unsafe signs or signs causing a hazard.
      (7)    Abandoned signs.
      (8)    Billboards.
   (b)    Other Permitted Uses.
      (1)    Murals or signs painted on walls.
      (2)    Strings, banners, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners or other moving devices.
      (3)    Flashing, blinking, intermittent illumination, revolving, oscillating or otherwise moving light signs.
      (4)    Mobile or portable signs.
      (5)    Political signs in Commercial and Industrial Districts.
   (a)    All signs and supports shall be installed and maintained subject to the following:
      (1)    Signs and supports shall be structurally sound, safe and pose no danger to persons or property.
      (2)    Signs and supports shall be fabricated on and of materials which are good quality, good durability and conform to allowable stresses and temperatures for such materials.
      (3)    Signs and supports shall be structurally designed to withstand a wind force of seventy-five miles per hour.
      (4)    Electric wiring shall be installed and maintained according to safe practice and in weatherproof condition.
      (5)    Signs and supports shall not constitute a blight or deteriorating influence on adjacent or neighboring properties.
   (a)    All sign framing and supports shall be repaired or repainted as required to preclude blight or deteriorating influence. Any conforming sign or support blown down, destroyed or otherwise involuntarily taken down may be rebuilt, restored or relocated upon obtaining a new permit, complying with this Zoning Ordinance and subject to approval of the Building and Zoning Inspector.
   (b)    All legally nonconforming signs and supports shall not be graphically or structurally altered, added to or enlarged, changed or relocated except in conformity with or to conform to this Zoning Ordinance. Any legally nonconforming sign which is involuntarily removed or damaged or destroyed for any cause, by sixty percent (60%) or more of its replacement value at the time of such damage or destruction, may be rebuilt, restored or relocated only after obtaining a new permit from the Building and Zoning Inspector, upon complying with this Zoning Ordinance, and subject to approval of the Building and Zoning Inspector. Lawfully permitted change of copy and minor repairs such as cleaning, painting and refurbishing is permitted at any time. Legally nonconforming signs damaged or destroyed by less than forty percent (40%) of replacement value may be restored to previous nonconforming condition if commenced within thirty days of such damage or destruction and diligently pursued to completion.
   (a)    Required. No person shall erect, alter or relocate any sign without first obtaining a permit from the Building and Zoning Inspector and paying the fee required herein, except that nonstructural repairs or maintenance may be made without a permit. A permit is required for all signs except political signs, for sale or for rent signs not exceeding six square feet in face area, nameplate signs not denoting any home occupation, and not more than two temporary school, church, or garage sale community service activity signs which may be displayed not more than forty-eight consecutive hours.
   (b)   Application. Application for a sign permit shall be made upon a form provided by the Building and Zoning Inspector and shall contain or have attached thereto, the following information:
      (1)    Name, address and telephone number of the applicant.
      (2)    Location of the building or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected, and position of the sign in relation to nearby buildings and structures and the lot lines or right-of-way lines.
      (3)    Plans and specifications indicating method of construction, attachment to building or installation in the ground and method of illumination.
      (4)    Name of person, firm, corporation or association erecting the sign.
      (5)    Written consent of the owner of the building, structure or land to which or on which the sign is to be attached or erected.
      (6)    Scaled drawing indicating the sign dimensions, materials, color and copy, and the building face and sign position for a wall sign.
      (7)    Such other information as the Building and Zoning Inspector may require to show full compliance with this section and other laws.
   (c)    Issuance. It shall be the duty of the Building and Zoning Inspector, upon an application being filed for an erection permit, to examine such plans and specifications and other data and the premises upon which it is proposed to erect the sign. If it appears that the proposed sign is in compliance with all the requirements of this section and other laws, the sign permit shall be issued. If the work authorized by a sign permit has not been completed within six months after the date of issuance the permit shall become null and void.
   (d)    Fees. Every sign permit applicant, before being granted a permit, shall pay a fee or deposit as required by Council.
   (e)    Revocation. The Building and Zoning Inspector is authorized and empowered to revoke any sign permit issued upon failure of the permittee to comply with any provision of this Zoning Ordinance.
1189.11 VARIANCES.
   The Board of Zoning Appeals may grant sign variances.